43| my boyfriend is my avenger

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"Come on, Bryn. We're here for you."

I peer out of the open car door as Nyara and Ace stand in hopes of coaxing me out of the vehicle. My teeth chatter. I can see the school building just over Ace's shoulder. He tilts his head.

"Bryn," he speaks up, "it's been over a week. If you aren't ready, I get it. But you'll have to make a choice some time."

"I'm ready." I huff.

Just... I'm not, at the same time.

"Here," he offers me his hands.

  Sturdy, dependable, beautiful.

I think I have a thing for hands.

I take his, timidly. He smiles and pulls me out of the car with a gentle tug. "It's gonna be okay, today." He whispers into my ear.

I want to dissolve into his side.

"I'm just glad you're back." Nyara speaks up from beside, hoping to cheer me.

I'm terrified.

This is my first time. My first day of coming back here after what happened. It was a blur that I will never forget. One of the worst days of my life.

I feel Ace plant a kiss on my forehead, and I'm reminded that it's my first time here as his girlfriend, too.

A bit of bliss circles in my system at that, and I try to channel that feeling, over all the others.

"Come on," Ace tugs my arm. I follow him and so does my best friend. The school is alive with students. Up ahead, we see Rye. Nyara bites her lip.

"Aren't you gonna go talk to him?" I gesture, forgetting my fear for just a moment .

"No." She shakes her head. "I'm here for you, this morning."

Could there be more to it than that?

I shrug the feeling off, following the usual route into the school. After Nyara departs from my side to go to her class, Ace sighs.

"It's kinda nice being able to walk you in as the boyfriend."

Oh really?

I giggle. "Thanks, Ace. Uh, you're not going to say that word now a million times though, are you?"

"I might." He smirks, "especially if it annoys you."

I want to melt against him. My boyfriend. Mine.

"We're off to a great start." I snicker, before stopping at my locker.

"Need me to wait on you and walk you to class?" He rests against the metal doors.

No. I think I'm doing okay so far.

I offer a small grin. "No."

"You sure? I really don't mind."

He squats closer to me, and I ruffle his hair with a hand. "I'll see you at lunch?"

"It's a date."

He winks at me, sauntering away. My heart struggles not to follow him. Instead of watching him go down the hallway, I turn and open my locker.

When I do, I see a reminder of last week.

A photo, blown-up onto computer paper, dangles from the top of my locker. I gasp, snatching the nude and crumpling it with a fist.

My heart rate is skyrocketing.

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