50| the big bang theory

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A/N: warning! Mature scene ahead. Read at your own discretion.


"Open your eyes!"

My eyelids flutter open at Ace's command. Icy wind licks and my cheeks, and I suck in an awed breath. Sparkling city lights sprawl for miles into the distance.

"It's beautiful." I cling to the glass railing at my arm's length. The night sky is still bright with the wonders of NYC.

I turn around to look at Ace. He tugs the scarf tighter around his neck. "What do you think? The top of the rock is pretty great, huh?"

I giggle, nodding. The Empire State Building juts into the sky from over his shoulder.

"It is." I say.

Ace drug me out here from our hotel, where I was content to lay for hours in the pleasure he built around me. But this— this is worth leaving the hotel room for.

"Let me take a photo of you."

"Ace- I don't know."

My windswept, starry-eyed look probably shouldn't me immortalized in his picture. But he refuses to take no for an answer.

I lean against the railing and smile for him. After a click, he drops his camera.

"Gorgeous." He kisses the side of my face. I tug him close by the scarf.

"Hey— it's almost 9:30." I remind him, "remember mom's rule."

He grins. "I'm not sure we can make it back to the hotel in ten minutes."

"Wanna bet?" I raise a brow, "these cab drivers will run anyone over for a tip. Guaranteed they'll make the trip in ten minute— or better— nine."

He tickles my side, before looking over the city once more. I admire his jawline as he angles his head to the side.

"What are you thinking, Ace Abbot?"

"That I'm on top of the world."

He looks at me at once. I nod, because he's feeling what I feel, too. On top of the world.

"I love you." I tell him when he steps closer, his warmth drawing me in. "I love you here. And everywhere."

"I love you too." He gently nudges my head forward, and he plants a kiss on my hair.

In my chest, I feel my heart swell. No one has done to me what Ace has. No one else ever will, I can promise that.

I wish there was another way to tell him, but the only thing I can manage is "I love you."

I repeat the three words into his chest. Into his embrace.

As I pull away once more, my head is not muddled or foggy. Everything is clear.

"I want you." My voice is a croak. "Tonight."

His stare hardens on my face. He doesn't use the moment to joke, or tease me. He nods slowly.

"Then you shall have me."

He plants a small kiss on my lips.

"All of me."


    In don't leave Ace's side for the rest of the night, until we make it back to his room. He turns on the hotel lamp, taking my face between the hands and kissing me once, slow.

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