21| it's raining condoms

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Okay. Let's do this.

Taking a shaky breath, I roll forward, line up, with people of all ages on the skating rink floor. Thanks to Ace, I've been signed up to limbo, during our night of escaping the questions and partying.

I steal a glance at him while I still can. He sits at our booth, his arms are relaxed against the back. His eyes are narrowed at me across the darkness.

     I chew my lip, turning away from his gaze and doing a quick stretch to prepare for the contest. Overhead, the classic song begins to play.

    This is it.

On the first go, several people are already eliminated, even though it's very easy for me. I get through without bending hardly at all.

Then more rounds progress. People hit the stick left-and-right, but still not me.

"Our three remaining limbo-ers are ready for round seven! Make some noise!"

I hear applause from off the rink. I blush, seeing Ace standing at our table to clap. He whistles with two fingers. A ball of nerves starts to form in my stomach.

The limbo bar goes lower and lower. I watch in dismay each time, just as surprised as the next person that I'm flexible enough to make it under.

With two contestants left, and the music looping incessantly, we are on round nine. The workers finally announce a twist: cones.

I don't know how much longer I can do this!

We must skate around the 6 cones, and then under the limbo stick. The music vamps as my opponent prepares. I watch with nerves as they barely make it. They've only got one more run before they're probably eliminated. The question is, do I?

I pop my knuckles as I wait for my cue to go. I hear the audience applauding in excitement. In the corner, Ace yells.

"Come on, Bryn! You've got this! Woooo!"

   I blush, wishing I could punch him in the stomach- teasingly, of course.

I judge the distance once last time, before starting down the rink. With a held breath, I pass the obstacles. Lastly, I slide under the limbo stick with what looks to be no effort at all, yet I know I almost had a seizure to attempt all of that.

The room erupts in excitement. My opponent looks grim.

Two more cones are added, and the stick is dropped to what is clearly going to be the final notch. My opponent fails to get through. And when it's up to me, I make it.

My face is a furious blush of red when I make it off of the rink. I'm being applauded and they're saying something nice about me over the speaker. I'm handed a coupon for free dessert, and I make it back to Ace with a sheepish grin.

"Wow," he looks like a bundle of emotions, all of them are happy and impressed. "I had no idea you were that good at limbo."

I giggle, handing him the coupon.

"And you won us dessert?!" He exclaims. "Bryn, this is the best night ever!"

I chuckle as he disappears with my coupon to bring us back a chocolate lava cake. It's bubbling with molten chocolate goodness. He offers me a fork to split it with him.

"Hey, want to take it outside?"

"Sure." I say, so we turn our skates back in and go outside to eat in Ace's open trunk, our legs are dangling out. I hold the plate in my hands, letting Ace take a few bites here or there.

Ace of HeartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ