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The rest of the day was the definition of uneventful, compared to my previous conversation with Christian

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The rest of the day was the definition of uneventful, compared to my previous conversation with Christian. When I finally found a moment to slip away into the bathrooms, it was almost time for me to clock out.

The stalls were empty, but I hadn't wandered in here to use them. Instead, I walked towards one of the large washing stations located against the wall to my right. When I caught sight of myself in the elongated mirrors, I frowned a frown so deep, it permanently implanted wrinkles into my appearance. My hair was a fucking wreck. Had I really ran my fingers through it that frequently and carelessly?

I dipped my hands under the automated faucet, letting the initially cold water run from my palms to the tips of my fingers. I brought my damp hands up to my face, slapping the cold water against the sensitive skin in an attempt to freshen myself up. The water did close to nothing.

I still looked like I'd been hit by a train.

I reached over for some paper towels to dab my face down. When I made eye contact with myself again, I tried to smile. My attempt at turning that frown upside down resulted in something more serial killer like, if anything.

Okay Alex, I thought to myself. This isn't the end of the world.

Thoughts that started with those words were never promising.

Christian doesn't actually plan on getting married, and it seems like he's got confidence Slav will figure something out.

I thought back to what Christian had mentioned, about Slav drunkenly giving his hand in marriage. Between Christian and I, I swear it was something else every damn day.

I reached over for another paper towel. My face was fairly dry at this point, but the cheap material felt oddly satisfying against my cheeks.

All you need to do is download the schedule Yakiv's assistant sent you and get it plugged into your own. It's not that complicated, I continued to pep talk myself. My unconvinced eyes were staring right back at me, but I forced those feet to move forward.


I didn't download the files until I was in bed at the elderly time of eight in the evening. Christian let me know he had plans on working late, and while going out for a drink with Joan and Derek sounded tempting, I still wasn't ready to fall back into drinking again.

Instead, I had a cup of tea and some reruns of The Wire to catch. At least this was the excuse I ran with, I still hadn't told Joan or Derek about the wedding. That was probably something Christian should decide on when to do.

The bottom of my company laptop felt cold as I balanced it against my bare knees and started to log in. From the pdf attached to the email, it looked like Yakiv planned on getting this wedding done in weeks.

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