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Did I say one chapter left?
Surprise! Here's two.


My eyes were starting to well with tears from what Christian had said

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My eyes were starting to well with tears from what Christian had said.

About us being a team.

It made me feel that same intense warm feeling I felt, when Christian had added my name to our presentation in New York.

With all the work this man had on his plate, one thing he never failed to make me feel, is heard. Seen. Understood. It felt like he had given me the voice and courage I didn't know I was longing so desperately for.

He forced me to understand what conditional love looked like in my life, and how to exercise those boundaries with loved ones, regardless of who those loved ones were. I understood now that my energy, much like everything else that existed, had its limits. Giving till I had nothing for me to fall back on, was the definition of self harm and self destruction.

It took a man with some goddamn anger issues himself, to show me that.

The one thing Christian never failed to do was stand up for himself and the people he cared about. For a man who loved to push boundaries, he had some seriously solid ones surrounding his life. I, on the other hand, hadn't been as assertive. Though I may have helped Christian cope with his intense emotions better, he had help my cope with my own.

I always thought that if a man with anger issues, and another with alcoholism, walked into a bar... someone must be setting up the punchline for a joke. Never in a million years would I have thought husband material from either side.

I allowed myself to think back to that moment on the beach again. A moment I would possibly never forget, due to the complete rawness from Christian's words.

This man had truly meant everything he said, about constantly working to show me how much he loved me. For a person who saw just how much weight went into the Ivanov's word, I had really allowed myself moments of doubt. I silently chastised myself for doing that, because Christian never doubted me. In fact, he put the most trust in me.

If one man had shown me consistently that he would go to the ends of the earth to bring even the slightest smile to my face, it was this man right here. What I was willing and finally ready to promise to him, was that I'd match that energy till death, or falling out of love, did us part.

As soon as Christian dropped to one knee and said those words, it was nothing less than an immediate response with a "yes." I hadn't even allowed me time to fully process what this meant for us at the moment, because Christian was right.

Nothing we had right now was guaranteed. Nothing was promised. He was right in sense where the only promises we could make to each other, were that we'd wake up each day and give it our best shot. That we loved each other enough to give this relationship that.

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