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Thank you so so much for all the support on these recent chapters. You guys are too fucking sweet, oh my gosh. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
Enjoy, lovelies


Roslana seemed to be in good spirits as we all exited the venue together

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Roslana seemed to be in good spirits as we all exited the venue together. The driver that had dropped both Roslana and I off earlier, had waited patiently for for us to be finished. Alex said his goodbyes to Roslana and I, maintaining every bit of professionalism as he always did with his work.

That couldn't help but make me smile. He really was one of the last few professional things about Ivanov Corp.

Alex started to make his way to his car, but slowed to a stop when he realized I was following him. "I- uh," he started, turning towards me. "I thought you were going to accompany Roslana back to the office?"

I shook my head on his direction. "Nah. I told the driver to take her home. I much rather ride out the rest of this evening with you."

Alex's face went red from my response almost immediately. I hadn't really planned on spending the night with him. I actually still had all the paperwork Brad had told me to sift through, still on my desk...

But all that didn't really matter right now.

I had had a wonderful night with my boyfriend, and I wasn't ready for that to end so soon.

"Would it be okay if I stopped by my place for a few essentials before we go?" He asked me, as he unlocked the door to his oddly shaped car.

Alex promised me this car was supposed to be efficient... but the only thing I'd argue that it did efficiently, was be small. That wasn't even a dig at Alex's finances, I just felt like a giant in comparison to it.

My eyebrows furrowed at his question. "I thought you were going home tonight?" I asked him.

"Well... I was going to, before..." Alex drifted off.

"Then let's go home."


"Alex, the speed limit is fifty-five here." I reminded this old man who had decided to take us to his place at the slowest speeds possible.

"Christian, I'm going fifty." He shot back, only breaking his eyes away from the road for a fraction of a second to give me an icy glare.

"Exactly!" I replied, "And it's fifty-five here."

"I'm starting to think you don't know what the word limit means." He grumbled to himself, but the sly grin I shot him forced him to mask a growing smile. We were close to his home anyways, but you couldn't fault me for wanting to be snuggled in warmth with him ASAP.

Once we made it to his elevator, I didn't even wait to get inside, before pulling him in for a kiss. He was soft against me... so temptingly soft... but I pulled away slightly before I could let myself get carried away.

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