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Mannn it's been a minute, my apologies! US elections are still a mess, and my skin care routine has yet to fix these bags under my eyes, so ya girls been big stressin lol.
Thank you so so much for the recent traction on this work.
Y'all are just fucking amazing, seriously.
Happy reading, lovelies!



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"Mr. Ivanov?" Christie, one of the desk clerks spoke into the line almost as soon as I picked up the phone.

"What's up?" I asked, already paying the conversation close to no attention. Sleep deprivation was real this morning.

"There are two visitors here to see you- I know you usually don't take anything unscheduled, and I don't see anything on my planner here-"

"Go ahead and send them up." I replied, cutting her off before ending the call.

The visitors coming to see me, weren't pencilled in. They didn't need to be. I knew exactly who they were thanks to my father, but I didn't want the entire company knowing who they were just yet. Slav's drunk yet guided words he said to me the night before, was to contain everything as much as possible until he figured out a solution.

So that was my plan for today.

As soon as the first man walked through, I stood up at attention. Though the years had added some wrinkles, and greyer hair, it was impossible to forget a face like his.

"Yakiv." I smiled wide, extending my hand for a handshake. The large built man did something that wasn't entirely uncalled for, but I definitely wasn't expecting... he pulled me in for a hug.

Just feeling the solidity and mass of his body as he engulfed mine, made me ridged. The guy felt like he could end me with a single flick of his finger. He smelt of pine cones, an oddly comforting scent.

"Christian, my boy! Fuck, I guess man now? Let me get a good look at ya." His voice was rough as he bellowed into my ears. I felt those large hands wrap themselves around the back of my neck to yank me away from him. Being this close to the guy made my skin start to crawl. I felt like a fucking ant.

"Y-Yakiv." I choked out, completely caught off guard as he finally released me. I couldn't be sure, but for a minute there during this hug, I was almost positive my feet had left the ground. "I-It's wonderful to see you again."

I blinked repeatedly, in an attempt to regain my vision. It had been momentarily stripped from me by the hard as fuck pats Yakiv had given my back. When I was able to refocus, my eyes zeroed in on the second visitor that walked into my office. This one was a women. A woman I didn't recognize.

And just like her father, there was no way I'd forget a face like hers.

When her eyes met mine, I felt just the smallest shiver run through me. I had no idea why, but her demeanor was almost scarier than Yakiv's. That didn't directly match her petite frame. She wasn't necessarily short, I'd venture to say she was taller than the average height for females.

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