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More unedited writing because work these last few weeks has been fucking ridiculous. I do, however, have the next few days off though so you guys are in for a lil treat with the upcoming uploads!


I was first to make a sound

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I was first to make a sound. Any sound. The sound that fell past my lips, was a dry chuckle.

"You... you must be joking, right?" I asked our mother. "I mean, father would never agree to-"

It was Brad who interrupted me first. "Well I'm sure he wouldn't sober. Dad drunk is a whole different type of situation." Brad took a seat again on the terrace chairs. Clearly, an entirely different kind of conversation was about to ensue.

Brad wasn't wrong, however. While it took damn near a liquor store to get the guy drunk, when Slav did reach that state, anything was possible. We'd only had the opportunity to see my father wasted like that a handful of times. He told us he left much of his heavy drinking where it should've been left- in the past.

I now couldn't help but wonder when he had made such a promise.

"But regardless, it's not like father really has to uphold any of that, right?" Brad continued.

"I'm more confused by why he felt comfortable enough to make a promise like that in the first place." I interjected. "Drunk or sober." Regardless of how much liquor was in his system, Slav must have known this wouldn't have gone well.

"In your fathers defense, up until recently we all thought you'd die alone." My mother spoke. "You've recycled through women at lightning speed- both professionally, and personally. We thought maybe it would be best if we found someone for you."

Before I could even reply to my mother's ridiculous comment, Brad was quick to come to my own defense.

"I'm pretty sure every woman Christian has decided to see, was forced upon him by you, mother. I don't think this would be your best argument right now." It was the sound of Brad's lighter igniting, that drew both mine and our mother's attention his way. This was now Brad's second cigarette, which honestly, represented the mood quite accurately.

"Why don't we go join your father. I believe he can explain this mess much better than I." My mother started. I could see her eyes darting to the empty glass of wine. She clearly needed a refill, and I needed to get out of this damn cold. Brad seemed unfazed, however.

"You two go on ahead. I'm just going to finish this here, then I'll join you." Brad nodded our way, as I lead our mother back through the glass doors.

Slav was right where we had left him, except he had now crossed one leg neatly over the other. With the glass of wine in hand, my father officially looked like a middle aged mother after a long day at the office. "Dad." I nodded his way, trying to get his attention as I took a seat on the love chair across from him.

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