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Hello there lovelies!
Just to clear a few things up from the previous chapter because my dumbass didn't proofread, but I also think a few things were misinterpreted.
Anna was sexually assaulted by Vadik.
I did mention assault in her dialogue that I think may have been missed by some, but none of that was consensual. Consent needs to be given, as in it is a term of common speech. If someone hasn't directly and verbally (or written) given you consent, the sexually acts can (and under law, would) be classified as non consensual.
Silence is not consent.
I didn't get into the graphics of her sexual assault because writing something like that would be too triggering for myself, and my own personal experiences.
So, to make things easier on both myself, and many other readers who may have also gone through something this horrific, let's chalk this up to the fact that Anna was indeed sexually assaulted.
(Also, I am DEEPLY sorry for forgetting to add a trigger warning to that previous chapter, but it has since been updated.)
For those who asked why Anna wouldn't have explained this to her children earlier, please keep in mind how absolutely traumatic this experience can be for a person.
You cannot "choose" a side, if you do not fully understand where each character is coming from. Understanding often comes from traumatic experiences, and don't get me wrong, I'd never wish this upon ANYONE... but it's difficult to speak on a situation you haven't personally experienced.
As always, thank you to everyone who read and even weighed in, but a special thanks to the few who really broke down what abuse, and even Stockholm syndrome is.
And as always, I love you guys s'much


My mother brought her glass to her mouth again, as if she was going to take another sip

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My mother brought her glass to her mouth again, as if she was going to take another sip. She hadn't even realized the glass was done until no liquid touched her lips. I thought she may have excused herself to refill it, but she remained where she was, leaning against the bannister with her back to us now.

"I kept all this from you two, because I thought I was done with that life... or maybe that's what I'm telling myself. Shame and embarrassment played a large role. I mean, just look at you two. I raised such strong men, I couldn't fathom showing you that weakness. My more broken parts, if you may." She turned to set the empty glass on the table Brad and I were seated by.

When the light caught her eyes, I realized that she had started to silently cry. There was no indication, besides the wetness of her cheeks. I hadn't even heard her sniffle.

This woman somehow managed to cry with elegance.

"The one thing I don't regret- the one thing I will never regret, is you Bradford." I heard her voice break. "I know I haven't been the best mother. I know I've failed you in ways I may never be able to mend, and for that, I am so sorry мой ребенок."

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