Chapter 30

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"Alright, here it is."

Alec handed a broken stele to Izzy.  She took it and rolled her eyes.

"What did you do? 'Accidentally' stomp on it?"


"This is crazy."

"It's for the good of the agency."

"Right. I'm gonna get to work." Izzy began looking over the stele. "Well? Don't stand over me like that, if you're staying in here you're helping. If not, I'll call you once I'm done."

Alec put his hands up. "My bad, I'll leave."

Alec headed out the door and lingered by the training room. He wasn't sure if anything would happen tonight. If he trained, it would only make it all seem like it was really going to happen. So, he made his way to his room and flopped onto the bed.


After what seemed like hours, Alec heard a knock at his door.

"Come in."

Someone opened the door, and Alec looked up and saw that it was Izzy.

"Come on, I've just finished, and Dad should be getting ready to leave soon."

Alec followed Izzy back to the ops room, where the stele was laying on a table. Alec picked it up to examine it.

"So you were able to put the tracking chip in there?"

"Yeah, the tracker was already disabled, so all I had to do was rewire it to the Institute." Izzy brung up a map on a nearby computer.

"See this dot here? That's the stele, at the Institute now. If this works correctly, and I'm positive it will, the dot will move with Dad, so we'll know where he's meeting."

"This is brilliant, Izzy. I knew you could do it."

Izzy cracked a smile. "Thanks, but it wasn't that hard."

"So, I'll give the stele back to Dad, and we'll track him."


"Alec started to walk out the door, then turned. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah..? Why did you ask?"

"I don't know, just with the Meliorn stuff. I feel for you."

"As if you would know anything about that... unless you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, Alec. Don't think I've forgotten about a certain warlock." Izzy nudged Alec.

"A bit too late for that one, Iz."

"What do you mean?"

Alec took a deep breath, then explained his breakup with Magnus.

"Oh Alec, why didn't you tell me about Magnus? You know I wouldn't have told a soul."

"I know, I just...wasn't ready. Especially after Jonah found out, I panicked."

"It's okay, you've told me now, and that's all that matters. Especially since that means I can work to get you guys back together again."

"Wha-? Izzy, I don't think-"

"I don't want to hear it. It's clear you like him, and he likes you."

"But we didn't break up because one of us fell out of love, we broke up because...I'm not ready to...come out."

Izzy frowned. "Look Alec, I get it. You don't want to disappoint our parents. But, you can't live your life for them. You have to live it for yourself."

Izzy paused for a moment, thinking.

"That's why I'm going to see Meliorn."

"What? What about the mission?"

"I won't be long, I just need to talk to him-"

"Forget about the mission, the Clave has declared the Seelies our enemies! Izzy, if you get caught, who knows what will happen? You could go to jail-"

"I don't care!" Izzy shouted. "It's what you do for people you love."

Alec thought back to Magnus' words before their breakup.

"But shouldn't love be worth the risk?"

Alec nodded. "Fine. Go on, before Dad leaves."

Izzy smiled. "Thanks, Alec. I won't be long. And if anything happens, text me and I'm there."

Izzy rushed out the door, but not before giving Alec a hug.

Alec picked up Dad's stele, and carried it to his study. He knocked on the door, and waited for his Dad to say "Come in" before going in.

"Here's your stele, Dad. Good as new."

Robert looked at it for a moment. Alec held his breath.

"Yeah, thanks. Try not to break it handing it to me."

Alec grinned. "I'll try."

"I'm glad Izzy got this fixed. I'm getting ready to leave for the meeting."

"I won't be gone long, but while I am, the Institute is in your hands. Make me proud."

Alec swallowed. "Dad, you're going to a meeting in New York, not Idris."

Robert smiled. "Right, I'm just getting carried away, I guess." He stuck the stele in his pocket.

"Alright, Dad, good luck. I hope good things come out of the meeting."

"Me too, son. Me too."

Alec smiled at his Dad before walking out of his office. He stopped by the kitchen before going back to the ops room. He didn't know how long he'd be in there, and he was hungry.

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