Chapter 2

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Mission 2: Retrieve the Necklace

"What do you mean you don't know who has it?!" Agent Fell yelled, and Magnus winced. Fell had just asked for  a mission report, and he was furious when he found out they had not gotten the necklace back. "That necklace has been in the agency for years, and know you don't even know where it is?!"

"Agent Fell, if I may..."

"Yes, Raphael?"

" I may have inadvertently had something to do with the necklace's disappearance. I couldn't blow my cover, so I untied Camille. I don't even know who tied her up. I'd say Magnus, but he was tied up as well."

"Magnus?" Fell said.

"Well, he is correct. I heard Camille talking to someone when she was tied up. My best bet is that was who tied her up. I had thought she was talking to Raphael, but I assume that's not the case?"

"Sí, we spoke very little."

"Catarina, where were you?" Fell asked.

"Well, I..." Catarina began, and Magnus tuned her out. He had to try and figure this out. No one was saying it out loud, but he knew they felt it was his fault that the necklace was missing. He had to get it back.

There was one thing he didn't tell Agent Fell. He told Fell he escaped from being tied up, but he had really been untied. And once he got home, he had found a number in the pocket of his jeans. He saved it in his phone, but he hadn't called it yet. He guessed that number was his best (and only) lead to where the necklace was. It might be dangerous, but he had to give it a try.

"Agent Fell?" Magnus asked, interrupting Catarina.

"Yes, Magnus?"

"Sorry for interrupting, but I think it would be best if everyone took a break and thought about what happened here today. Maybe if we sit on it and come back to it, everything will be more clear."

"Magnus, you are absolutely right. You all must be exhausted. Everyone, you are dismissed. We will discuss this later."

As everyone was walking out, Agent Fell looked at Magnus and nodded. Magnus nodded back. He was counting on Magnus, and he wouldn't let him down.


Before going home, Magnus got a burner phone out of the supply closet in the agency. The agency kept them for missions, and since this was mission-related, he assumed it would be okay to use one. Once Magnus returned home, he dialed the number he had saved on his phone. It rang a few times before it picked up. A tired voice answered it. 


He'd heard the voice before, but he didn't remember where. 

"Who is this?"

The person paused before answering. "Alec, who's this?"

Alexander Lightwood. It all made sense. That was who Camille was talking to. After Alec shot me, he must've tied us both up. He was working undercover for the Clave all along.

"Hello?" Alec's voice ringed out, a little irritated. 

"Hey, sorry. This is Magnus."

"Oh, he said, and his voice immediately perked up. 

"So you remember me?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do...sorry for tying you up, but I kinda had to."

"No hard feelings. I was actually wondering if we could maybe go out and have a few drinks sometime?"

"That sounds great."

"Good, how about Hunter's Moon tonight at 9?"

"Yeah, that'll work. I'll see you then."

"Alright then, bye." Magnus said.

"Bye," Alec replied, and Magnus pressed the button to end the call. He flopped down onto the bed. It had been a long couple of days, and he needed some sleep.


After a couple hours of rest, Magnus woke up feeling refreshed and ready to get back the necklace. He dressed up in a dark blue denim button down and a tight pair of black pants. He quickly walked to the Downworlder bar, thinking about his strategy and how to get Alec to talk. 

As Magnus neared the entrance, he decided he would use his charm and flirtatious personality, as usual. He opened the door and scanned the bar for him. He spotted him in the corner, glancing around. He walked over to where he was sitting and sat in the stool beside him.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," Magnus replied. "I saw you looking around for me like a lost puppy." He joked.

"That's not true," Alec protestsed, and Magnus laughed.  He was easy to tease.

"Do you know why I asked you here?" Magnus asked.

"I have some idea," Alec replied.

"I want to know why you Shadowhunters want our necklace."

"Our necklace," Alec scoffed.  What was he going on about?

"That necklace has been in the warlock agency for years, what are you talking about?"

"Magnus, that necklace hasn't always been in your agency. What your agency neglected to tell you is that necklace is a priceless Shadowhunter relic." Magnus looked at Alec with a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Don't believe me? Ask your head agent about the history of the necklace. Ask him why it's so important that you get it back." Magnus was at a loss of words.  Was this true?

"How did we get the necklace?"

"It was back when the Downworlder agencies were just beginning to form. The Clave saw the Downworlders' attempt to make their own agencies as pathetic. They thought the agencies would never make it."

 So much for that, Magnus thought.

"Basically, the head of the Shadowhunter agency had a daughter. This was before women were agents, so she had been in the Instituite all her life, she'd never left. And she had always wanted to know what life was like outside the agency. So she snuck out and met the man of her dreams at a Downworlder/mundane club, who, unbeknownst to her, was the head agent of the warlocks. And he wanted one thing: a Shadowhunter necklace that was the Institute's most prized possession. He didn't want it for the money. He wanted it to establish supremacy, and to show the Clave that the Downworld was not to be taken lightly. And he succeeded. He wooed the girl and took the necklace, leaving her life without so much as a goodbye. When the head agent found out how he had took advantage of his daughter, he vowed that the Shadowhunters would get the necklace back. We've been trying for years to get it back, and now, we've done it."

Magnus couldn't do anything but stare at Alec. He couldn't believe Ragnor hadn't told him about  this. Maybe he didn't know?

"I had no idea, Alexander," Magnus said.

"You weren't supposed to," Alec said. Now, Magnus really didn't want the necklace back. Not after hearing the way they got it.

Magnus stayed quiet a moment before speaking. "You wanna order a round?" Magnus asked. Alexander nodded. Magnus flagged the bartender and asked for two shots of whiskey. He had a feeling he'd be ordering a lot more.

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