Chapter 3

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Mission 3: Locate the Missing Agents


After a couple rounds of drinks, it seemed like it was time to go. They had talked a lot about a variety of things, And Alec found himself liking Magnus more and more. After telling him about the necklace, he half-expected him to leave since he'd gotten all the information he needed. But, he stayed, and Alec learned a lot about Magnus he wouldn't have known otherwise. They walked outside, and were greeted by a slight breeze. Fall was coming soon. 

He looked at Magnus and smiled. "I had a great time with you tonight," he said.

Magnus smiled back. "Me too."

They went their separate ways, and Alec walked back to the Institute. He wondered if he should tell Jace and Izzy about Magnus.

Izzy was his sister and one of the best female agents at the New York Institute. Her specialty was a tranquilizer gun with snake poison in its darts. Jace was his brother. He was younger than him, but he made up for it by being better than him in almost everything. He excelled in hand to hand combat.

However, there was one thing Alec was better at: long distance shots with a tranquilizer gun. He could knock someone out at just about any distance. Jace didn't mind, since he liked to be up close anyways. It was why they made such a great team. 

Alec's mind went back to telling Jace and Izzy where he had been. He had managed to leave without being questioned, but he doubted they would let him get to his room in peace. He walked to the back of the Institute and let himself in through the back door. He walked quietly through the halls, trying his best not to be seen. It was late, and a lot of the agents had already turned in for the night. He had already made it to the living area when he ran into Jace. He tried to turn around before he saw him but it was too late. 

"Hey, Alec," Jace called out, and he inwardly groaned. 

"Hey, Jace," he weakly replied. He walked over to him and his lips curled into a grin. 

"Where have you been? It's late, y'know."

Alec rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Mom."

Jace smiled, unfazed. "I'm waiting for an answer."

"I was out," Alec said. He tried to sidestep Jace, but tripped in the process.

"Alec, are you drunk right now?" Jace asked. His smile had somehow managed to get even bigger.

"No, Jace, now please, let me go to my room. I'm tired and would like to get some sleep." 

Jace looked to be mulling it over. "Fine, but we will definitely be talking about this in the morning."

Alec left so he didn't have to reply. Once he got to his room, he shut the door and sighed in relief. Now that he was alone, he could try and get some sleep. He closed his eyes, and he soon fell asleep, thinking of Magnus and his amber eyes.


Alec woke up with a giddy feeling in his chest. He had slept off his hangover, thank the Angel, and he was ready to start the day with his morning training. He walked to the training room and saw Izzy along the way. 

"Hey, big brother," she greeted him.

"Hey,Iz," he said. She came up to walk beside Alec.

"So, Jace told me you went out last night."

Alec sighed. I wish Jace would keep his damn mouth shut sometimes.

"I know, right," Izzy said. "But it can be an advantage." She grinned. He must've accidentally thought out loud. He didn't regret it, though.

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