Chapter 43

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Jonah walked through Central Park. All remnants of the festivities were gone. There were normal mundane people loitering about, and Jonah was searching through them to find Noah. He'd agreed to talk, finally, and they were meeting up here, at the park. Jonah hoped Noah would listen this time.

Jonah sat at a park bench and took his phone out, debating whether or not he should text Noah. He decided to wait a little longer, and instead enjoyed the scenery. It was a beautiful day, the temperature just right so that it wasn't so hot that he was sweating, or so cold he needed a jacket. Jonah was mindfully enjoying this when Noah came to sit beside him. Jonah immediately straightened up, and turned to face Noah.

"Ah, hey, Noah."

"Hey, Jonah."

"So, uh-" Jonah began

"I've thought about what you said." Noah interjected. "And I went to go talk to Valentine. Unannounced, I just came into his office. He barely looked at me, and said, "What are you doing in my office, agent?" And I asked him if he knew who I was. He said, "You're one of my Circle agents, of course," without missing a beat. And I said, "No, I mean what's my name?" He immediately shoos me out of his office because I was 'wasting his time'."

"So what'd you do?"

"That's when I texted you and agreed to meet up. Then, I left the Circle agency, and haven't been back since."


"Because...I got to thinking... maybe you were right. I mean, he didn't seem to think of me much when I wasn't helping him with information. And I don't think he remembered my name."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Well, I was thinking... maybe I could give the Clave a chance? They will let me leave if I change my mind, right?"

"Yes, they don't keep you prisoner. You know Luke Garroway, he left the Clave."

"Well yeah, but I heard that was different, that he was forced to join the werewolves because of something with Valentine."

"Well, I don't know, but either way, you're welcome to join the Clave, and you're welcome to leave just the same."

"Well, let's go, then."

"You mean it?"

"Yeah. I don't think I could've stayed away from you too long anyways." Noah smiled, and leaned in to kiss Jonah. It was their first kiss in what felt like forever, and Jonah leaned into it, wrapping his arms around Noah. When they broke away, they both smiled, and Jonah knew this was the start of something new, while also being something just the same.

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