Chapter 34

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Alec met up with Catarina at the gate to the Seelie courts, as promised. She was readily alert, waiting for a sign of danger. When she saw the group of agents, she relaxed slightly, especially so when she saw Magnus.

"Did you see Izzy, by any chance?" Alec asked hopefully.

"No, I didn't see anyone."

"Alright, then, we should get going. I'm not sure if how much time we have, so we need to move quickly and try not to be seen. The last thing we need is word of our arrival before we even get to the agency."

Everyone agreed, and so the group moved silently as possible, careful to avoid anything that'll make noise. They'd covered quite a lot of ground before Alec saw something in the distance.

"Guys, I think we've got trouble." he motioned to the figures up ahead.

"You think they've seen us?" Jace asked, just as they disappeared from view.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they have."

"What are our options?" Alaric asked.

"Well, we could try and shake them, or just meet them head on."

"I say we just get it over with. If we wait, they'll only get word out we're here, and call for back-up." Jace said.

"I agree with the Shadowhunter." Alaric said.

"Any objections?" The group stayed silent.

"Alright, let's go." the agents took off in the direction of the people. A shot rang out and the group braced themselves, but no one was shot. Then, a person stepped out in the open, with their hands in the air.

The werewolves didn't back down, and had their guns trained on the figure. As they got closer, Alec realized the person looked familiar.

"Alec," Clary said, "that's Jonah!"

"Who?" Alec asked.

"Alec, really! The Circle agent we converted!"

"Oh," Alec said. He really needed to remember that kid's name. "Stand down, wolves."

They reluctantly put down their guns.

"Jonah," Alec called out as they got closer.

"Yeah, it's me. Look, you guys don't have much time. They've took Izzy."

"What!?" Alec yelled.

"Well, actually, me and a friend of mine took her, but as far as I know she's safe. Safely chained up, but whatever."

"Where is the other guy with you?"

"Oh, I shot him. But, it was only a tranquilizer, he'll be fine. He'll probably be pissed off when he wakes up, but he'll be fine. Oh, and Izzy still has her bracelet. I don't know how much it'll help, but..."

"Do you mean her whip?"

"I guess? I've never seen her actually use it. It's like a snake bracelet?"

"Yeah, that's her whip. Is that all she has?"

"Yeah, she's the only one with any weapon or communication device or anything like that. And I have no idea where they've been put."

"Could you figure out?"

"Yes, but..why?"

"We're going to need all the help we can get, including the head agents. If we could get their weapons, it'd be a huge help."

"I'll ask." Jonah called someone on the phone. "Hey, this is Agent Redmon, on patrol? Yeah, I need to know where the confiscated items are. I found a stele the Shadowhunter dropped I took in....Oh no, I'll put it in there myself, the other agent with me will be fine.....Yes, I'm sure....Alright, thank you, agent." Jonah hung up the phone.

"Come on, everyone. I know the way."

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