Chapter 28

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"Attention, agents."

Alec looked up at his father. This was the first meeting he'd had since addressing the attack on the Downworld. And something told him this would be important.

"Now, in our last meeting, I told you all that I would have a representative talk to the Seelies. During that meeting, we learned that they have indeed aligned themselves with the Circle. And, after informing the Council of this, they have declared the Seelies an enemy of the Clave. So, if anyone here is any type of communication with a Seelie, I would recommend cutting it off at once."

"The rest of the Downworld will be meeting tonight to discuss the future. It is strictly for head agents only, so any questions or concerns that you would like to be discussed should be given to me. I'll try my best to get all your answers."

A couple hands raised. Robert pointed to one. "Yes?"

"Will you be taking those questions now?"

"Actually, I'd prefer if you wrote them down, and I'll look at them before leaving tonight."

The hands went down. "Alright, that's all, agents. You're dismissed."

Alec walked away to the ops room, where he found Izzy. "Hey, Izzy. Did you go to the meeting?"

"No, I didn't. Could you give me a recap?"

"Well, the Clave has declared the Seelies our enemy, so Dad'll probably be talking to you about Meliorn sometime soon."

"About what?"

"He's gonna tell you you have to stop seeing Meliorn. He pretty much told everyone that they had to cut off all contact with Seelies, period."

"What? Dad promised me I could stay with Meliorn because he helps us out with information! I can't believe this!" Izzy made a move towards the door, and Alec stopped her.

"Izzy, where are you going?"

"To talk to Dad! This is stupid! Just because the Seelie queen wants to ally herself with Valentine for whatever reason, doesn't mean all the other Seelies agree with her! We shouldn't be punished for the Queen's decisions!"

"Look, Izzy, I understand that your upset, but I don't think Dad is going to consider changing his mind if you walk in there screaming at him."

Izzy nodded and breathed heavily, trying to calm down.

"Besides, I haven't told you everything. Dad will be having a meeting with all the other Downworlders to discuss their next move, and where they stand."

"Oh ok, yeah, sounds reasonable. Where's it at?"

"That's the thing, he's not telling anyone. They don't want the Clave or Seelies finding out."

"Yeah, makes sense. Is that it?"

"Yes, but Izzy, is that tracking device that looked like a stele still in the lab?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Could you maybe get it hooked up in here?"

"I mean, I'd have to take a look at it, but I'm sure I could."

"Good, I want to use it on Dad when he goes on his meeting tonight."


"Well, someone needs to know where he is just in case something happens."

"Okay, but Alec, just how do you plan on doing this? Just handing Dad the stele?"

"Well, no, I'd have to sneak it in his pocket or something."

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