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Noah shifted closer to Jonah, wrapping his arms around Jonah's arm. He was seated in a huge rectangular table at Taki's with Jonah, Magnus, Alec, Simon, and Raphael. Everyone seemed to know each other some kind of way except Noah, who knew no one except Jonah. This wasn't really his fault though, Valentine hardly let them speak to anyone outside the Circle, and when he did it was minimal, and strictly business.

This 'triple date' as Simon called it, was set up by him, and Noah couldn't decide if it had turned out as well as he hoped. He doubted  the six of them would become best buds, but he had talked with Alec a bit and he seemed cool, albeit not very talkative. Jonah had whispered, "He seems to like you more than me," with a smile, which was encouraging.

Noah mostly talked to Simon, who talked excessively, to the annoyance of Alec and Raphael. Raphael once openly said, "If you don't stop talking about Superguy, I'm going to take this food on my plate and shove it in your face." Simon only laughed, and replied "It's Superman." Since then Raphael looked to be close to the point of a nervous breakdown, which amused both Magnus and Alec. At the end of dinner, Magnus said, "It looks as if you've found someone who's immune to your charm." Raphael grunted something in Spanish towards Magnus, but he saw Raphael look back at Simon with a look of admiration. Their relationship really was quite strange.

Magnus would join in the conversation with Jonah at times to piss off Raphael, saying  things like, "Tell me more about him, he seems intriguing" to which Raphael looked as if he wanted to choke Magnus. This dinner overall seemed to be the most stressful to Raphael. He felt kinda sorry for him, until Raphael caught him looking at him and called him an idiota.

Raphael didn't talk much to the group, although he muttered a lot under his breath, mostly in Spanish. Noah realized towards the end of the dinner that Raphael was enjoying himself, despite what he was saying and doing.

Noah found that Alec and Raphael shared a common interest over how much Simon annoyed them, often sharing looks like rolling their eyes, but at times Alec found Raphael's pain amusing instead.

Simon definitely seemed to enjoy this whole idea, and ignored the constant bickering of Raphael to talk to Jonah. Jonah told him later that while he did actually enjoy talking to Simon, by the end of their conversations he was always a bit tired of talking in general.

When the waiter brung back everyone's check and they began to get up and leave, Noah decided it had been a good dinner after all. He walked out of Taki's Diner hand in hand with Jonah, excited for the future of the agencies.

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