Chapter 36

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Once Alec entered the throne room, he made a beeline for Izzy. She was already working on getting herself free using her whip, and by the time Alec got to her, she was nearly free.

"Go on, Alec. I've got it." she said. Alec ignored her, and helped her get free. Alec moved toward Dad, and Izzy looked on angrily. "Aren't you gonna help me Izzy?" Alec asked, but Izzy turned away and left.

"What's up with her?" Alec asked.

"She learned something about me I'd hoped that the two of you would never have to know."

"And what's that?" Alec asked as Robert finally got free of the chains.

"We'll talk about it later," he said, and Alec gave him his weapons. They split off, and Alec quickly found Jace. Together, they went through quite a few agents. He didn't leave his side, and soon they were joined by the other agencies, who'd gotten word of the battle. The other agencies were beginning to overtake the Seelies and Clave, but they refused to surrender. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen neither Valentine or the Seelie Queen since their arrival.

He looked around, and sure enough, they were nowhere to be seen. They had left their agents to do the dirty work while they took cover. They were meant for each other, all right.

The opposition's numbers began to dwindle, and some of the Circle began to flee. Alec hadn't seen any Seelie agents for awhile. Victory seemed to be near, so Alec got close to Jace and said, "We need to find Valentine. Let's end this." Jace, Clary, Izzy and Jonah went to find Valentine. Jonah said he knew where he might be. They were about to leave the throne room when Alec saw an all too familiar figure go down. He went a little closer in that direction and saw who he feared it was. Magnus, on the ground with a dart in his stomach. Something in his own stomach dropped, and he was running toward Magnus and kneeling by his side before he could think about it.

He was pale, and he looked to be unconscious. "Magnus, Magnus," he shook him a bit too violently. "Wake up, wake up," he said. His eyes stayed shut. He needed medical attention. Alec looked around frantically for a warlock, any warlock. He saw Catarina stab a guy's neck. "Catarina!" he yelled.

Catarina turned in Alec's direction, and her eyes widened as she saw who was on the ground. She rushed over to him and knelt on the other side of him. "Can you help him?" Alec asked, not being able to hide his desperate tone.

"Yes," she said, "but you'll have to give me some space." Alec nodded, and got up, separating himself from Magnus. He instead made sure no one got in Catarina's way. He kept a hand on his gun, ready for the slightest interference.

Soon, all the Circle agents had fled or were dead. The Queen's throne room was full of bodies, and the Seelies who were normally buzzing about the place were gone. The Clave and Downworlder agents began to tend to their injured, counting their dead. Alec couldn't help but wonder about Jace and the other Shadowhunters, and if they had found Valentine.

"I've done all I can. He'll need to see one of our professional healers. Can you help me get him to the warlock agency?"

"Of course." Alec said. He lifted Magnus up in his arms like a bride, and looked at his face. He seemed awfully peaceful. He wondered what he was dreaming about as he carried him out of the Seelie courts.

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