Chapter 15

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Magnus was falling for Alec.

He hadn't had that much fun in a long time. He had been to that club so many times he practically owned it. So he knew the reason he had enjoyed himself so was because of Alec. Dancing with him, talking with him, kissing him, all of it was...perfect. And it made Magnus realize that Alec wasn't just another fling. He meant a lot to Magnus, much more than he would like.

Because he had known many Shadowhunters, and they were all the same, egotistical, only cared about themselves. That's why Alec had peaked his curiosity. Since he had first met him, he seemed different from the other agents. And he seemed to prove that to Magnus again and again.

Despite this, Magnus couldn't help but to be suspicious. He had been hurt before, he knew what that felt like, and he didn't want to go through that again. But, Alec might be his last shot at love. He at least needed to try.

So, he decided to ask Alec over to his apartment tonight to tell him how much he meant to him, in hopes that Alec didn't see him the way he feared he did.

After asking Alec to come over, he began readying himself for Alec's arrival. He had been out all day at the warlock agency and had yet to clean his apartment. Ragnor had become obsessed with getting back the necklace after the Shadowhunters planted the fake one. He kept coming up with these ridiculous ideas to gather information on the necklace's location, that all lead to dead ends.

Magnus was tired of it, and had tried subtly hinting at Fell to give up what seemed to be a wild goose chase. But he refused, always saying that he was "this close" to finding out, and only needed a "few loose strings tied." But, sadly, those " loose strings" had turned into big knot that couldn't be undone. The Shadowhunters didn't want any of the other agencies to know where the necklace was, and Magnus didn't know of any Circle agents with loose lips.

Magnus was just finishing cleaning up when he heard a knock on the door. He walked to the door, smoothed out his outfit, and opened it. Alec greeted him with a smile, although it was a nervous one. His message probably sounded a bit cryptic.

"Hello, darling," Magnus said, and waved him inside. Alec brushed past him and went to sit on their usual spot on the couch, then turned to face Magnus. Magnus sat down beside him and looked at him in what he hoped was a reassuring way.

Alec seemed to calm down a little, but he still looked a bit worried. "You wanted to talk?" Alec said, in the form of a question.

"Yes, I did. I just..wanted to know your motives."

"My motives? What do you mean?"

"I mean..we've been seeing each other for a while now and I just wanted to know if you were serious. About us." Magnus said and looked at Alec.

"Yeah, I am. I...I really like you, Magnus." Alec said.

Magnus smiled. "I like you too, Alec. I just wanted to make sure you weren't..." Magnus was surprised to find himself struggling with his words, "using me or something."

Alec shook his head and took Magnus' hands in his. "I would never." he said, and the way he did so made Magnus want to believe him.

So, he nodded. "That's all I wanted to know."

Alec visibly relaxed, then asked Magnus if there was anything he wanted to do.

"We could go have dinner? I know this great Chinese haven't eaten, have you?" Magnus asked.

Alec shook his head. "No, I haven't. And I'd love to have dinner with you."

"Great, we should get going then." Magnus said and got up on his feet.

"Lead the way," Alec said, and Magnus took his hand as they walked out the door.


Dinner with Alec was so refreshing, it was a more quiet and intimate atmosphere than the club, so as a result, Alec was much more relaxed. Because of this, he tried to make dinner last long as possible, but he knew he and Alec would have to leave eventually.

Alec and Magnus walked outside the restaurant together, and faced each other. The all too familiar feeling Magnus felt at the end of their time together came back, and he found himself wishing that Alec wouldn't leave just yet. But it was late, and Alec needed to get back to the Institute. He knew this.

So, he did what he always did. He wished Alec goodnight, and began his slow walk home.

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