Chapter 31

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Alec watched the computer screen carefully. Dad had left for his meeting, and had been at the location for awhile. Alec thought that they'd have wrapped it up soon. He popped a grape into his mouth and continued to look at the screen, never taking his eyes off of it. Then, Dad began to move.

Alec wasn't worried at first, since he thought the meeting would be ending soon. But, Alec noticed that Robert began to stray away from the route he took to the meeting. Alec's thoughts raced for a possible excuse for him doing this, and then he realized where he was headed: the Seelie Courts.

Alec whipped out his phone as fast as possible and began texting Izzy.

Dad's headed to the Seelie Courts!
9:24 PM

U think he's just paying the Queen a visit?
9:25 PM

No way. This is def Valentine's work
9:25 PM

Alright, meet me at the entrance
9:26 PM

Alec rushed to the weapons room. He would need a lot of weaponry if he was going to take down the Circle and the Seelies.
Could he be in over his head?



Jonah was at the front of the Circle agency at 9, just as Valentine had said. The other agents were there, and they were all awaiting the arrival of Valentine. Another agent walked up, and Jonah realized it was Victor, one of Noah's friends.

"Hey, I'm not late, am I? Has Valentine got here yet?" Victor questioned another agent. Then he saw Jonah. "Hey, it was Jonah, right? Noah's friend?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"Although I guess you guys are bit more than friends. Noah talks about you all the time."

"Really?" Jonah tried to hide his blush.

"Yeah, he likes you a lot."

Jonah smiled.

"Looks like me and you are gonna get to know each other a bit better, huh? No offense, but I didn't think you'd be on this mission."

"Neither did I. It was a last minute thing."

"Ah, I see. Well, I guess we're waiting on Valentine's grand arrival. He tells us to be on time, then he's late himself." Victor shakes his head. "Although, I'm sure he had some pressing matter to attend to. He is the Head Agent of the Circle, after all."

Then, as if on cue, Valentine appeared in front of the group of agents. "Alright, agents, I'm sorry for being late. But, I hope I gave you time to prepare yourselves. We have a big mission ahead of us. However, I have faith in each and every one of you, and I know we will succeed."

"So, is everyone ready?"

"Yes sir!" The agents say.

"Alright, then. Let's take out some head agents then."

"Long live the Circle!" An agent cries out, followed by "The Circle has risen!"

The agents, led by Valentine, take off to their location. They reach  what seems to be an abandoned building, and Valentine turns to face the group.

"Let me go in first, and sweet talk 'em." He winked, and opened the door of the building.

After a minute or two, one of the agents say, "Come on, that's our cue."

They burst through the door, facing the unsuspecting head agents. They take them down with some difficulty, but there are no casualties.

Jonah saw an agent put Agent Lightwood in cuffs and haul him toward the door. They locked eyes, and disappointment was all he saw in them. Disappointment in Jonah, or himself, Jonah wasn't sure. Maybe a bit of both. Jonah walked beside an agent who had Agent Garroway in cuffs. He was baring his teeth in anger, squirming against the cuffs to no avail. The agent seemed to have him under control, though he wasn't sure how long that would last.

Vampire agents Camille and Raphael were oddly compliant; they hardly put up a fight against the Circle. Victor had Camille in cuffs, so he walked over to him. "Keep an eye of them," he whispered low, and Victor nodded.

Agent Fell of the Warlocks was in front. He was the hardest to contain. He looked almost bored now, like he had been in this kind of situation before, and was waiting for something interesting to happen.

They made it to the Seelie Courts, where The Seelie Queen was waiting. She smiled at Valentine and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you all could make it. Make yourselves at home."

The Head Agents of the Downworld and Clave were quickly chained up in the throne room. Jonah helped Victor with Camille. "There's not a dungeon they put their prisoners in?" Victor whispered. Noah smiled despite himself.

Victor and Noah stood guard beside Camille, and the other agents did the same with the captives. They stood there for awhile, before Valentine walked up to them. "Agents, we've just been told there's a Shadowhunter in the Seelie Courts. I need you to contain them." Valentine gave them directions to the house they're in.

Victor and Noah walk off, Victor leading the way. "You seem to know where you're going." Noah observed.

"I had a Seelie girlfriend for awhile. I would go to her house here all the time. I know this part of the courts well."

"You know why all the Seelies live in the courts?"

Victor shrugged. "I never asked her questions like that. We'd mostly just fuck."

Noah nodded. They walked for awhile, then Victor suddenly stopped in his tracks. He made an abrupt turn, and Noah followed close behind him. "What's up?" he said.

Victor put a finger to his lips, and motioned for him to keep following him. Victor squatted behind some vegetation and pointed. Victor followed his gaze to a girl rushing through the woods in Shadowhunter gear: Izzy. Victor motioned for them to rush in on her from two different directions, then he took off to the right.

Noah went to the left, and snuck up close to her. He grabbed her hands and put them behind her back. She shrieked, then Victor was in her face with a gun. "One wrong move, and I'll kill you where you stand." Izzy shifted a bit underneath Noah's grip, but said nothing.

Victor came behind her, and quickly switched to him holding her. Victor was stronger than Noah, and would have an easier time restraining her. Noah went to Izzy's front. Izzy widened her eyes with recognition, but didn't say anything. He got her phone, stele, and weapons off her. He eyed the bracelet on her wrist that he knew was a weapon of some sort. Izzy saw him eyeing it, and tensed, waiting for him to take it. He decided not to, and instead opened her phone, where he saw a text message to Alec. Meet me at the entrance, it said. He knew that couldn't mean anything but that Alec was on his way here. He texted him another message and put the phone in his pocket.

"Alright, Victor, we should get her to Valentine."

"Let's go, then." he said, and tightened his grip on Izzy, pushing her foward.

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