Chapter 26

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Magnus looked at the door of his apartment, that Alec had just walked out of, with tears streaming down his face. A part of him wanted to run after Alec, and tell him that he had changed his mind. But, he knew he had made the right decision.

He picked up his glass of whiskey and drank the rest of it. He ran his hands through his hair. He knew he must've looked a mess. He'd hardly slept last night, thinking about Alec. He really did like Alec, he enjoyed every moment they had spent together. But, he just couldn't wait for him to be comfortable with himself. He'd seen couples that had been together years before they both were out, and life was too short to wait around. If leaving Alec was shallow, then he would just have to live with that.

Magnus hadn't went into the agency today, and he needed to so he could check on Catarina. So, he went into the bathroom and freshened up, and made himself look presentable. After doing so, he gathered his things, and left his apartment. The agency was a short walk from his home, but time seemed to slow down as he walked the streets of New York. His vision seemed to zoom in on all the couples out today, reminding him of what he could never have with Alec. Tears threatened to run down his eyes again, but he fought them back. He couldn't cry now.

He walked through the doors of the warlock agency, and greeted agents as he passed, with an artificial smile. He got to the door of the infirmary, and found Catarina sitting up in her bed, scrolling on her phone. When she saw Magnus, she smiled, and said, "Look who finally decided to show up."

"I'm sorry I was late. I had matters to attend to, but I'm here now, right?"

"What matters, exactly? Business or pleasure?"

"I think you know the answer."

"I've always been able to read you like a book, Magnus." Cat said with a light laugh. "Now tell me what's wrong? I know you're upset about something."

"No point in lying to you, is there?"

Catarina shook her head. "You might as well tell me, I'll figure out eventually."

Magnus sat down in the chair beside Catarina's bed and sighed. "You remember Alec?"

"Your Shadowhunter boy toy?"

Magnus smiled in spite of himself. "Yes, I suppose so. Well, you know we'd been dating for a while, but I decided to break it off today."

"Really? And why is that?"

"He wasn't ready for a real relationship, I was. We weren't on the same page as far as our relationship goes, so I thought it did be best to just end things."

"You really liked him."

"I did,I still do. I'd been hoping things might get better, that he might really want to get serious, but, I don't think he'll be ready for that for a while. And I don't have forever to wait."

"I'm so sorry, Magnus." She extends her arms, and I get up and hug her. I buried my face in her shoulder and sighed. When I had no one else, I could always count on Catarina. Even when she wasn't at 100%, she'd still try and help someone else.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve a friend like you?" Magnus wondered aloud, and Catarina laughed.

"You were a saint. You devoted your whole life to God."

Magnus laughed, and broke away from their embrace. He wiped the few tears from his face that had fell, despite his trying his best not to cry. He smiled at Cat. "When you get out of here, we're spending a day together, just you and me."

"Well, from what the doctors are telling me, that should be soon. If I heal like I'm supposed to, I should be out of here in a few days."

"Good. Do as they tell you, don't be stubborn. I want you out as soon as possible."

"Since when am I stubborn?"

"You can be stubborn when you want to be, Cat."

Catarina shrugged. "Well, you don't have to worry about me. You just take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will, Catarina."

"Good. Now, do I have some tea to tell you."

"Tea? Who have you been around, Cat?"

"Shut up and listen." Cat frowned, then laughed.

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