Chapter 17

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Alec sat in his room, fiddling with his phone. He didn't have a mission tonight, and he was waiting for Izzy to get back from her mission. She went with Clary and Jonah to talk to the werewolves about the agents they had lost. Apparently, Clary knew the head agent of the werewolves well, so she was the head of the mission.

Alec didn't care much about that, that was Clary's business. He had heard some of the agents didn't like it, especially since Agent Garroway had been so closely involved with Valentine in the past. But, that was the past, a lot of Clave agents had been apart of  the Circle in the past, and they had been accepted back into the Institute, and hadn't shown any reason for them to not be trusted.

The way Alec saw it, if Garroway was the head agent of the werewolves, they should try to stay in his good graces. And if he knew one of their agents personally, then they should use that to their advantage. In the fight against Valentine, they needed as many allies as they could find.

Lately, Alec had been over at Magnus' this time of night. But, Alec wanted to hear what the werewolves said from Izzy herself. She told him she would go straight to his bedroom after she returned. So, he waited for her. And she was good on her word, because it wasn't long before Alec heard a knock on his door. He moved to get up and open it, but Izzy opened the door.

What was the point in knocking if you were just going to open the door anyway?

Izzy flopped down onto the bed and sighed. She turned to face Alec, and smiled.

"Well? Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Yes, but first I have a little message for you."

"From who?"

"Jonah. He wants you to know he supports you, and he's here for you if you ever need someone to talk to."

Alec looked a little shocked. He hadn't expected Jonah to be so nice to him, after he basically threatened him to keep his mouth shut. Maybe he owes Jonah an apology.

" was the mission?" Alec asked, trying to stay on track.

"It went pretty well. We think Valentine took so many of Garroway's agents for a couple reasons. One, he did it out of spite because of his history with Garroway. Two, he did it because he's constantly bringing in new agents, and some of them aren't completely loyal to the werewolves yet.  Or three, there's something Garroway isn't telling us about his agents, something they can do that other agents can't."

"I doubt that. Agent Garroway has no reason to lie to us, he has always been allies to the Clave, and we've never done anything to  make the werewolves not trust us."

"Well, sure, but what have we done to show we can be trusted?"

"Izzy, I really don't think-"

"I'm just saying it's a possibility, okay?"

Alec nodded. "I guess anything's possible, right?"

"Right. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out."

"Out where?"

Izzy grinned. "I don't have to tell you everything, y'know." She got up from the bed and left.

There's no telling what Izzy was getting up to, but he knew she could take care of herself, so he really wasn't worried. Alec himself didn't feel like going out, so he decided to FaceTime Magnus. He went to his contacts and pressed on his name, listening to the his phone dialing until Magnus picked up.

"Hey, pretty boy."

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