Chapter 4

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Alec wasn't that interested in the movie at first. It seemed like one of those cliche movies set in the 1900s. But, when the Carlyle guy was introduced, who Magnus said was Zac Efron, Alec began to pay attention. Zac's relationship with Anne made the movie much more interesting. They had ups and downs, but their love and their willingness to sacrifice for each other kept them together in the end.

Alec was well into the movie when he received a notification.

Alec was well into the movie when he received a notification

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Alec cursed under his breath. For a moment, he'd let himself forget about the agency and just enjoy Magnus' company. And now, it had cost him. He turned to Magnus, and he could see in Magnus' eyes that he knew what he was about to say.

"I'm sorry, Magnus, I have to go. I have a mission tonight."

He nodded. "I understand. Duty calls, right?" 

Alec smiled and got on his feet. "Goodbye, Magnus," he said, and walked out the door. He practically ran to the Institute. He still couldn't believe he had let this happen. He was heading this mission, and he wasn't even there to get the team ready. When he got to the agency, he looked around for anyone on his team. He saw Izzy down the hall and walked towards her. 

"Alec, I've been looking for you. We're getting ready to leave."

"Sorry, I lost track of time. Where is everyone?"

"They're waiting in the lobby. Come on."

Izzy walked off, and Alec couldn't help but admire how quickly she was able to walk in those heels. Once they got to the lobby, surprisingly, it was Jessica that spoke first. 

"Look who finally joined the party," she said, with a smirk. It must have surprised Jace too, because he was looking at her with interest.

I sighed and cleared my throat. "Alright, everyone ready?" Alec looked around at everyone and they nodded. "Okay then, let's go."

Alec walked out the door first, and everyone followed. He stuck close to Jace's side to try and avoid Jessica. She was having a conversation with Izzy about something or another.

"So where were you?" Jace asked.

"Oh, I was out...for a walk...clearing my head before the mission." Alec stammered. Jace looked at Alec suspiciously. Alec couldn't blame him. He'd always been bad at this sorta thing. 

" know you can trust me, right?" Jace said.

"Yeah, of course." Alec said. Jace nodded, and didn't say anything else. He stayed quiet the rest of the way there. When they made it to Lincoln Square, Alec slowed his pace to address everyone. "Okay guys, we need to search the perimeter, try to find anything useful. Jace and I will go this way, Jessica and Izzy, you go the other way. We'll meet back here."

The girls nodded, and went on their way. Alec didn't want to be with Jessica like she probably wanted, and he knew him and Jace would always make a better team. They walked for a while, and then Jace stopped Alec and pointed to the ground. 

"Dried blood," Jace said.

"And lots of it. Looks like someone put up a fight."

"You think it was one of our guys?"

"I know it is. There's a stele." Steles were a technology exclusive to Shadowhunters. It had healing properties, and every agent kept one with them on missions. Alec picked it up and looked at it. "We'll take this back to the agency, and see if we can't track them." 

Jace nodded. "Should we keep looking?"

"Nah, let's head back. See if the girls found anything." Alec put the stele in his pocket and walked back towards their starting point. They got there before Jessica and Izzy did, so they waited for their return. They came back slightly out of breath.

"What happened?" Jace asked.

"This guy tried to attack us." Izzy said.

"Was he a Downworlder?" Alec asked.

"No, a Shadowhunter. He ran off before we could question him." Jessica said.

"Or get a look at his face." Izzy added.

"But you're sure he was one of us?" Alec asked.

"He was using our equipment. Our tranquilizer guns, everything. He even had a stele. I don't know how he would get ahold of it otherwise." Izzy replied. "So did you guys find anything?"

"Yeah, a stele. We think it belongs to one our agents. We were going to see if we could fingerprint it and trace the owner." Alec said.

"Well, I guess it's time to head back." Jace said.

They all agreed and made their way back to the agency. Jace, Izzy, and Alec were walking together, and Jessica was walking close behind them. Suddenly, Alec heard a muffled noise, so he turned around. He didn't see Jessica.

"Jessica!" Alec shouted. Jace and Izzy stopped walking and came towards Alec. "I don't see Jessica," Alec told them.

"Maybe she fell behind," Izzy suggested.

"Then why isn't she answering?" Alec asked. "Jessica!" No response.

Alec looked at Jace and Izzy. Worry was written across there faces. There was no sense in making excuses. Jessica had been kidnapped. 

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