Chapter 14

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Jonah rushed out of Alec's room.

Seeing Alec with that warlock last night was at the top of his mind this morning, and eventually, his curiosity got the best of him, so he went to the Institute early that morning to see if he hadn't just gotten so drunk last night that he had imagined the whole thing, thinking he saw something he really didn't.

But when the time called for it, Jonah was pretty good at reading people, and he noticed the panic in Alec's eyes when he first mentioned it, that he quickly tried to cover up with anger and annoyance. Alec was pretty scary though, and could probably kill him if he wanted to, so he decided to drop it.If Alec didn't want to come out, he wasn't gonna be that dick that did it for him.

Jonah still didn't know a lot about the agencies, only the twisted information Valentine had given him, but he was pretty sure dating people from other agencies was frowned upon. And they probably didn't like homosexuality that much either.

Jonah decided he would ask Izzy about Alec, to see if maybe she knew he was gay, and if she didn't, why he wouldn't want to come out. He wandered around the Institute, stopping to look in various rooms before he found her in the weapons room, loading guns.

"Hey, Izzy." Jonah said, to get her attention.

"Oh, hey. How did your mission go the other day?" Izzy asked, putting down the gun she had been in the middle of loading.

"It went pretty well, I guess." Jonah answered.Jonah

"So, did you need something?" Izzy asked.

"Kinda, I wanted to ask you about Alec. He's your brother,right?"
Izzy nodded. "So, do you know why he'"

"Angry at the world?" Izzy finished .


Izzy shrugged. "Alec has a lot going on. He's succeeding our father, Agent Lightwood, to be the head of the agency. And Dad's been trying to get him to settle down and marry, but it's not really something Alec is interested in doing, especially with the people my dad wants him to get married to, if you get what I'm saying."

So she knows he's gay.

Jonah nodded. "Yeah, I do, actually."

Izzy cocked an eyebrow at Jonah, then continued. "But yeah, he's just...kinda stuck at a crossroads, and he's not sure which way he wants to go, which way is best for him. He just needs time to figure himself out, who he is and what he wants to do. Until he does, if he's a little bitchy just ignore him. Or come get me to knock some sense into him."

Jonah smiled. "I will definitely keep that in mind." He paused. " Thanks for sharing that with me."

Izzy shrugged. "You asked me a question, I gave you an answer. Guess I was feeling a bit generous."

Jonah nodded and walked out the door. So Izzy knew he was gay, and he figured Alec didn't want to come out because his dad was potentially homophobic, and it could hurt his chances of becoming head agent. Made sense.

Jonah had always known he was gay. One of his earliest memories was having a crush on Harry Styles when he was in One Direction. And honestly, he'd be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on him anymore. Who doesn't?

Well, maybe Noah. He had been confusing the hell out of Jonah last night. At times, it felt like he might have been flirting with him. And then, there was what happened after leaving the club..

"Oh my god, I can't believe you never told me!"

" I didn't want to freak you out."

"I don't care, you should have told me." It was silent between the two as they stood outside the entrance to the club.

Noah looked at Jonah, and Jonah was suddenly aware of how close they were. A couple inches away from each other, at least. Then, it seemed like Noah was leaning in, coming towards him, and then...

"I,uh...should get going." Noah said, and took off in the opposite direction of his apartment.

"Hey, shouldn't you be going this way?" Jonah asked.

Noah turned to look at Jonah for a brief moment, still walking. "Yeah, I've got something I need to do before going home. I'll see you later?" Noah said, almost having to tell now.

"Bye?" Jonah said, waving at him. He frowned at Noah, then shrugged and began to walk back to his apartment.

Maybe he was drunk last night, but he could've sworn Noah was about to kiss him. And then he just blew him off. I mean, what did he have to do at 1 am? Murder someone in their sleep?

He would have to talk to Noah at the agency, and find out why he left like that last night.

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