Chapter 11

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Mission 7:Don't be suspicious

"What's your name?" Alec asked the Circle agent. They were back in the room they held him in, to try and convince him to become a double agent.

"...Jonah? But what does it matter? You're just gonna kill me, right?"

"No, actually, we want you to join us."

"Join you? You're joking."

"Doesn't seem like something to joke about." Izzy said.

"I am loyal to Valentine." Jonah said.

"Yes, but is he loyal to you? If so, where is he now? Where are the Circle agents to come and rescue you? Nowhere to be found. Valentine didn't give a second thought to you when you didn't show up. But you can make sure he remembers your name of you join us and become a double agent."

"We can wait, see if the Circle shows up, if you want. But if Valentine cared about you, they would've been here a long time ago." Izzy said.

Alec and Izzy walk toward the door.

"Wait," Jonah said. " I'll do it."

They stop and turn to look at Jonah. "Are you sure?" Alec said.
Jonah nodded. "Well then, welcome to the New York Institute."


"Your first mission is to go to the Circle headquarters. You'll tell Valentine that you got captured by the Shadowhunters during your mission, but they underestimated you and you managed to escape. Tell him you escaped because you were trained by the best." Robert said. Alec and Izzy got Jonah out of the room they interrogated him in, and took him to Agent Lightwood's office to be briefed on his first mission with the Clave.

"So I need to stroke his ego?" Jonah asked.

"Exactly," Robert said. "Oh, and before you go, remember, you can't tell any of the other Circle agents about this. We can't risk having Valentine find out. If he does...he wouldn't hesitate to kill you."

Jonah widened his eyes. "...Yeah, yeah."

Robert looked at him for a moment, then said, "You are dismissed."

"Um..could one of you show me the way out of here?" Jonah asked.

"I will," Izzy said. She walked out the door and looked back at Jonah, expecting him to follow. Jonah does so sheepishly.

Alec turned to walk out the door but Robert stopped him. "Alec?" he said, stopping him in his tracks. "Watch that boy," he said. "You don't know the hold Valentine can have on people." Robert looked as serious as Alec had ever seen him.

He nodded. "I will."



Izzy walked Jonah to the entrance of the Institute. "I hope you were paying attention, I wasn't planning on giving you a tour." she said.

Jonah nodded. "I was." he said. He honestly wasn't paying that much attention, and besides, the Institute was huge. Surely she didn't expect him to learn where everything was so quickly?

"I'll see you later," Jonah said and waved as he left. Izzy doesn't say anything, she just looked at him. Jonah began to walk off.

"Wait," Izzy said. She walked over to him.

Jonah turned to look at Izzy. She took a knife out and cut Jonah's arm.

"What did you do that for?"

"You are supposed to have escaped the New York Institute. You gotta look the part." Izzy said. She ruffled his hair, then ripped part of his shirt.

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