Chapter 18

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Alec woke up with a knot in his stomach. He had been thinking a lot over the past few weeks, and today he was going to do something he'd wanted to do since he went to Magnus' party. He was going to ask Magnus to be his boyfriend.

He was nervous because he didn't know what Magnus would say. After all, they'd only been seeing each other for a little over a month now. What if he was seeing other people?

Alec put his clothes on for training, the usual black. Izzy always tried to get him to wear other colours, and he did, but very rarely. He had always liked black, so it's what he wore. What's wrong with that?

After getting ready, he walked to the kitchen to find some food. When Alec was younger, his mother would fix breakfast every Sunday. It was the one time of the week when they really seemed like a family.

Now, mom always seemed to be off on one mission or another, hardly ever around. The last time she'd been here, she'd only stayed for a few days before leaving again. Sometimes, he wondered if his Dad minded at all, that his wife was constantly away. If he did, he never expressed it in front of his children.

Alec ended up only getting an apple to eat from the kitchen before leaving to train. He walked down the hallways toward the training room, eating his apple, and hoped that training would calm his nerves, like it normally did.

He walked through the ops room, glancing around at the screens, and saw Izzy and Jace in front of one. He walked over to them.

"What's up?" He said, looking at the screen with them.

"We were scouting our location for tonight's mission." Izzy replied. "There's a serial killer we're being asked to stop. I've looked at all his past kills, and determined his next victim will be him." She zoomed in on a picture of a man on the busy New York streets. "I was just looking at his house, which is here." Izzy zooms out on the man, then goes to the house's location. "We were trying to look for a vantage point for a stake out until our killer arrives."

"How about here?" Alec points to an alleyway not to far from the victim's home. "It's secluded, and you should be able to see the killer going by."

Jace looked at Alec and nodded. "Thanks, Alec."

"No problem, little brother."

Jace rolled his eyes at this, but smiled. Alec walked the rest of the way to the training room. Once there, he saw Simon looking around. When he spotted Alec, he walked over to him.

"Hey, have you seen Jonah? We have a mission and I haven't seen him around."

"No, I haven't seen him. But, it's still early in the day. I'm sure he'll turn up." Alec assured Simon, then walked to get a pair of sparring sticks. "Until then, you wanna go a round?" Alec held up a stick.

"Uh...sure." Simon said. Alec tossed him a stick, and he catched it, then walked in front of Alec. They both began to circle around each other, Alec twirling his stick a bit. They charged at one another at the same time, the sticks making a loud sound as they crashed against each other. And then it was on.

Simon was able to keep up with Alec for a while, dodging Alec's attacks with surprising swiftness. But, the experience of Alec won  out in the end, and as Alec put the stick lightly against Simon's throat, he put his hands up in defeat.

"That was fun," Simon said. "Wanna go again?"

Alec had to admit, sparring with Simon had been fun, it got his blood flowing and loosened him up. So, he shrugged and said, "Why not?"


When Alec finished sparring with Simon, he felt a lot better than when he started. He almost hated to say it, but he likes sparring with Simon. Almost as much as he liked sparring with Jace. Him and Jace had a chemistry that was unmatched, but Simon came pretty close. He went to his room to shower, and when he was finished, he decided now was the time to go to Magnus'. It was earlier than when he normally went, but he needed to go now, before he lost his nerve. So, he got dressed in new clothes, but still black ones, then left the Institute. On his way out the door, he ran into Jonah. "Hey, Simon's been looking for you." Alec said, then left before Jonah could reply.

The walk to Magnus' seemed shorter than it ever was, and for a second, Alec hesitated to knock on the door. But, he did, and when Magnus opened the door and smiled, Alec couldn't help but smile back.

"What are you doing here so early?" Magnus asked. "Not that I'm complaining."

"There's something I needed to ask you, it couldn't wait." Magnus noticed the seriousness in Alec's tone and sat down on the couch. Alec sat down with him.

"Go ahead," Magnus said.

"Magnus, I...these last few weeks have amazing. I like hanging out with you, and seeing your smile, and giving in to you when I probably shouldn't. I think about you all the time, when I'm on missions, when I'm training, sometimes when I'm asleep. It's kinda distracting, actually."

"What I'm trying to say is...I really like you, and I want you to be my boyfriend." Alec finished.

Magnus smiled wide, and leaned in to kiss Alec. "I'd love to be your boyfriend," Magnus whispered, and kissed him again.

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