Chapter 42

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Alec turned his phone on and looked at his older notifications: 5 messages, 3 missed calls. He scrolled through the messages, which were all from Izzy. She went quickly from curious to annoyed to frantic. Alec felt horrible about putting Izzy through that, but after what happened with Dad, Alec hadn't felt like talking to anyone.

Alec didn't bother looking at the calls; he was certain they were all from Izzy. He then returned to the bedroom, where Magnus had went to after Izzy left. He was laying there, looking up at the ceiling.

Alec returned to his original position on top of Magnus. He shifted a bit until he was comfortable, and Magnus put his arms around him.

"What are you thinking about?" Alec asked.

"Your sister, and what she said."

"She meant it, you know. She doesn't take things like that lightly."

"I know. I really appreciated it. I would've never thought a Shadowhunter would gladly be looking out for me."

"Well, now you have a whole Shadowhunter family in your corner, so you better get used to it."

"Do I?"

"Well, you know now you have me and Izzy. And Jace will be there for you, for my sake if nothing else, although I do think he's starting to like you. Clary has always had an attachment to you, especially so now. So that's four right there."

"Yes, I guess it is."

They were both quiet for a while. It was night now, and Alec was beginning to get tired.

"Goodnight, Alexander," Magnus said finally.

"Goodnight, Magnus."


Alec woke up to an empty bed. He got up and found Magnus in his study. He was in there quite often, though what he was working on or studying, Alec never asked. Magnus looked up from the book he was reading and smiled. "Good morning," he said. He beckoned for Alec to come closer, then planted a kiss on his cheek. "Your phone was ringing earlier."

"Was it Izzy?"

"I don't know, I didn't look. It's in the living room."

"Alright, I'll go see who it was." Alec got his phone and saw it was a missed call from his mom. He hadn't talked to her since the celebration. He called back immediately, and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Alec," his mother said. She sounded...relieved? "Where are you?"

"I' Magnus'."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry about what happened with your father. He refused to tell me until late last night, and...please come back to the Institute. Your father and I need to speak with you."

"...Alright, mom. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you. We'll be in your father's study." She hung up the phone and Alec looked at it before turning it off.

He went back to Magnus' study to deliver the news.

"The only reason I agreed is because I need to get my clothes, so I would be there anyway." Alec finished explaining.

"I think you should hear them out. Perhaps your father has some remorse-"

"That doesn't excuse what he's said and what he's done-"

"I know that, but...I'm speaking from experience when I say you may grow to regret not trying to mend the relationship with your father."

Alec nodded. "I'll listen to what he has to say."

"Thank you," Magnus said, "So what time are your parents expecting you?"

"I would guess as soon as possible. I was going to go on and get ready to leave now."

"Alright, well, you do that and before you go, I'll give you your key. No matter what happens with your parents, I'd like you to have a key to my apartment."

Alec nodded. "I'm gonna go on and get ready now."

"Of course," Magnus replied, and began reading again.


Alec hesitated in front of the door to his father's office. He'd went straight here upon entering the Institute, not even stopping at Izzy's room or his own. And now, he had no idea what his parents were going to say. He could try and deny it, but his father had hurt him, and he didn't know if he could take any more of it. He knocked on the door, and heard his mother say, "Come in!"

He opened the door and walked in. His dad say behind his desk, and his mom was beside him, with her hand on his shoulder. They were both looking directly at him, making him slightly uncomfortable.

"You guys wanted to see me?" Alec said.

"Your mother and I," Robert started but Maryse shot him a look, "I wanted to apologize for what I said to you yesterday. It was entirely uncalled for and I shouldn't have done it." It sounded like he was just reading lines off a script. Alec's eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"Look, son, I...I shouldn't have kicked you out of the Instituite. I was angry, but I shouldn't have been. You were right, I haven't been seeing you for who you are, only what I want you to be. But, I promise that's gonna change, starting now. You're welcome back at the Institute. Your....I want you here." Now he sounded sincere. Alec's eyes softened.

"I'll come back," Alec said.

"Alec, can I speak to you privately?" Alec nodded, and followed his mother out of the room. They began to walk down the nearly abandoned hall.

"You know that I will always support you, right? I had no idea your father had done what he did. When he told me, I yelled at him and made him realize just how stupid he was being." Maryse said. "The Clave, and your father, is stubborn and stuck in their ways. But, it seems that your father is willing to try. And if he is, then maybe the Clave will too."

"Thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome. And for the record, I've known Magnus a long time, since my time in the Circle. He's a good man, though he has been known to make some questionable decisions from time to time." Maryse smiled. "I hope you find love with him."

"I do too, Mom. I do, too."

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