Chapter 23: Rena Rouge's Awakening

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Hey guys! Clippy the idiot checking in on a beautiful Wednesday :D! Wait...what? It's almost the 25th!?


LMAO, anyway, I'm publishing a special book on Xmas day so please look out for it :). It's going to include some fun art, and book updates, so if you want to stay on top of the book, I recommend uploading it to your library.

If not, that's okay, I still love all of you :3

ANYWAY, enjoy :D!

Chat leaped, gathering more momentum by pouncing off the akuma's head. "Get his helmet!" he grabbed onto a street pole; Carapace thrust his shield at the object. "Damn it!" the akuma dodged the shield, as Chat's patience wore thin. "We need another plan!" "We don't have time!" both the superheroes leaped up to dodge a hit.

"Watch out boys!" Ladybug swung in, landing on a patch between the male superheroes. "Ladybug, go back-" "You are both in trouble, what am I supposed to do!?" Ladybug interrupted, already knowing the end of that sentence. Whirling her yo-yo around the villain's legs, she was able to knock him down and grab a couple of seconds."Grab it-" Carapace ripped it off his head before she could finish.

"We were handling it you know," Chat commented. "Yes, and that's why you have scratches all over your back," "Oh my goodness, can't you just stay in one place during akumas!?" Ladybug released the butterfly rolling her eyes.

"No, because your sorry-but needs my help!" Ladybug protested, "I can't just watch you get beat up on the news and not do anything!" "You need to stay put - we discussed this - we need to keep the baby safe!" Chat yelled back as they leapt up onto Marinette's rooftop, magical ladybugs swarming around them.

He sat on her couch and zipped down his top so she could treat his wounds. "If you were dealing with it, then I wouldn't be wrapping you up like a burrito made of bandages,"

He rolled his eyes, frustrated that his girlfriend was being so pushy. "Can we stop with this topic - I already told you why you can't fight!" "At least I actually can fight!" Chat turned around at the statement. "I'm leaving," he solemnly replied, Marinette instantly regretting what she had spat out.

The sudden burst of anger and adrenaline rush must have caused her to lash out - it had to be that. "Oh, Tikki," Marinette sat on her couch, rubbing her stomach up and down. "This baby should be the most important thing to me," she sucked in a breath, "But why does being Ladybug make me feel more joy?"

"And, aren't I supposed to have these instincts - but I keep waiting for mine to kick in, but they haven't..." Marinette wiped a single tear from her face. "The fact that you keep worrying about this so much shows that you're going to be a great mother!" Tikki flew around her head, making her hair fall back behind her shoulders.

"And I'm sure once you get the instincts, you're going to be even better!" "Thanks, Tikki," Marinette half-smiled, resting her head on the pillow. It seemed even her kwami's enlightening words couldn't help this pain.


Her mother shook her shoulder gently, Marinette slightly shifting in her sleep. "Hmm?" "Alya woke up in the hospital-!" "WHAT!?" Marinette felt the same adrenaline rush from before hit her veins.

Marinette climbed down her ladder as quickly as she could manage, not bothering to look in a mirror before dashing out the door. She ran to the car, scrambling to fasten her seatbelt. Of course, she had to sit in the back seat, it was much safer. Thinking of safety, her mind drifted back to Chat Noir, and his over-protectiveness.

"Okay, okay," Marinette breathed heavily and ran through the doors, climbing up the stairs; her mother trying to remind her to slow down. She burst into the room where Alya flashed her a quick smile. "Hey, Marinette!" She started to cry as she hugged her best friend.

"Alya, I'm so sorry," she cried into her shoulder, the grief she never knew she had was bursting out in the form of huge sobs."I-It's okay," Alya let a quick laugh escape her lips. "S-Sorry," she backed up, letting Alya breathe once more. "It's great to see you, Alya," Adrien wrapped his arm around Marinette's shoulder. She was a bit surprised at the motion, especially since she probably looked like a crying mess with a giant belly.

"Hey, it's the baby daddy," "Have you been taking care of my best friend?" "Of course, at least I try to," Adrien's Chat Noir glint sparkled in his eyes as Marinette gave him a playful look. "I'm so sorry," Marinette finally continued.

"I...I should have been the one in the hospital bed, not you," "And I feel so guilty, and I know that you're going to say it's okay, but it's really not and-" "Marinette?" Alya interrupted.

"You're my best friend - what else was I supposed to do?" "I love you, and your unborn child, and if something happened to you, and I knew I had a chance to stop it, then I would be racked with guilt..."

"So, don't feel guilty, especially since it wasn't your fault," Alya explained as Marinette wiped her tears. Adrien wiped some of them as well, which seemed to make her cry more. "This is the worst time to be the most emotional I have ever been in my life," she fanned her face, hoping to stop the tears from falling, everybody sharing a laugh

"You guys will have to visit later - she needs to rest," the nurse explained as the teens nodded. "Goodbye,"


Alya heard a slight knock on the window. "L-Ladybug!?" she stuttered, then remembering it was Marinette visiting her. "What are you doing here?" Alya smiled softly. "I want to give you this," she handed her a fox pendant as she gasped.

"Is that-" "Alya, I've never met a girl who would almost sacrifice her own life for her friend, and be as selfless and courageous as you," "I could never think of a better miraculous holder - if you are up to the task that is,"

Alya tried her best to nod, as Ladybug let the pendant rest on her chest. "Thank you," Alya added before leaving. "No problem," Ladybug tossed a smile.

Ladybug leapt out of the window, bumping into a familiar black cat. "Chat-" "How's my meow-tiful princess," Ladybug tossed a quick smile at him.

"She's racked with guilt, because of the way she yelled at her boyfriend," Chat pretended to be shocked. "Who is this mysterious gentleman?" Ladybug let a quick giggle escape her lips. "Well, he's very handsome and sweet, and I made a giant mistake with him," Ladybug played along, as a smile embraced her lips.

"Well, I'm sure once he hears an apology, it will all be smooth sailing," She gave her boyfriend a playful glare. "Well, I'm sorry," "I'm sure he says he is sorry too," Chat added, "And you're forgiven."

Ladybug kissed his cheek as she prompted him to go back to her house. They were sitting on her balcony, Marinette's arms resting on the cold, silver railing. "It seems something is bothering you," Chat commented, "Ready to talk about it?"

She sighed. "It's Alya, I just, I can't get the shooter out of my mind," "And also the fact that I should've been hit not her-" "Marinette, she told you, that was her decision, since if you did get hit by that bullet, she would be the one crying, and racked with guilt,"

Marinette wiped a tear. "Somehow, right now I kind of wish that I was in the hospital - I hate feeling this way," Chat wrapped his arms around her waist. "I know you do," Chat let one of her tears dance down his finger, and drop onto the railing.

"But, would she want you to be feeling depressed over something that wasn't your fault?" "I don't know," Marinette answered truthfully, trying to smile. "The answer is of course not," "And having a friend that cares as much as you do, makes Alya a very lucky girl," Chat ended his statement with a smile.

"Since when did you become poetic?" Marinette grinned as he laughed. "May Romeo have a dance with his Marinette?" She laughed at Chat's cringe lines. "You may,"

Gosh, I realized Marinette cried a lot in this chapter-

Oh well, the curse of being an emotional person. Sadly, I can relate. And lemme tell you, it's no freaking fun crying at the weirdest things ever...

But, anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a great day/night! Stay tuned ;)


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