Chapter 22: The Rising of the Stars

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Hey everyone! Clippy the idiot checking in. So, last chapter...Mari saved Adrien, and Hawkmoth DOESN'T know Adrien's identity >:)

And, damn, he was getting so close. Wait, who's side am I on-

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Marinette fumbled with her fingers, deciding if she should wear her maternity clothes. She was through 5 months of her pregnancy, and she didn't feel it was right to wear her regular jeans and sweater. 

Marinette picked a red dress with a long satin ribbon that sat below her chest. "You look beautiful, Marinette!" a squeal from her kwami made Marinette smile. "I agree,"

Marinette turned around to see her boyfriend leaning on her desk. "Is my princess ready for her escort?" Marinette giggled. "Are you sure that dressing as Chat is 'subtle'?" 

He shrugged, "It seems my princess forgot that we are almost saving up for a car!" Chat de-transformed as Marinette shielded her eyes from the green glow. "What?" "We were saving up for an apartment," she corrected.

"Well, anyway, I got some great news!" Adrien smiled, resting his hands on her shoulders. "I got a second cologne in the 'Adrien the Fragrance' series," Marinette gasped. She hugged him tightly, "That's so great!" she squealed.

"Yeah, it's getting released in a couple of weeks, and we think it's going to do even better than the first one," "I'm so happy for you," Tikki also hugged Adrien's hand. "Congratulations!" Tikki smiled, even though she wasn't quite sure what he was talking about.

He laughed, "Thanks Tikki," he said as the kwami swirled away to go talk to Plagg. "Okay, okay," Marinette raised her hands, "We're going to be late!"

Adrien helped Marinette down her ladder, and they got into the car. "You really should be sleeping downstairs at this point," Adrien noted, making sure she didn't fall. "I-I will, soon," Marinette didn't want to let go of her bedroom.

"Okay, we can take a cab today, but we have been saving a lot of money for this house and with the money given by my father and the help of the down payment from your parents..." Adrien proceeded to do some calculations in his head.

"We don't need much for now, we can just get a small apartment, or we can even raise him at the bakery," Marinette smiled as he returned a half one. "I know..." they sat in silence for a moment. "How have you and your father been?"

They were approaching the hospital as he finally sighed. "We haven't talked in a long time," he mumbled, "And, I think it's going to stay that way,"

Marinette put her hand on his knee, "Are you sure about isolating him from Hugo's life?" she rubbed it slowly, "That's a big decision,". "I don't want him to be any influence for our son, it's bad enough that he may be getting some of his genes from father, or even cancer that mother had,"

"Well, anger isn't genetic," Marinette smiled, "And you don't have even an ounce of it in your body," she finished as he looked at her. "Oh, we have to get out now, sorry," the cab driver nodded as Adrien paid them through the window.

"Are you nervous?" Adrien asked, unsure of what she was feeling. She shrugged, "You'd think after doing this four times, it would be much less scary," Marinette giggled. "I hope everything is okay though," her hand drifted to her stomach.

"I'm sure he's fine," Adrien reassured her. Marinette checked her name and signed in as she sat down in the waiting room. Adrien rested his hand over Marinette's shoulders, playing with a strand of her hair.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng?" A doctor asked as they stood up. "Hello," Marinette nodded her head as Adrien smiled. "Mr. Agreste, glad to see you again," she added with a smile. "You too," Adrien replied as they walked into the office.


"Okay," Marinette felt the cool gel on her skin. Adrien was watching from over the chair, looking at the black screen. "There's the heartbeat," the doctor smiled as Marinette let out a sigh of relief.

She didn't exactly know what was worrying her so much - it probably was the fact she had been swinging around as Ladybug the other day. "Were you involved in the Akuma yesterday?" The doctor asked as Marinette gulped.

"Well, I suppose so," Marinette mumbled. "That makes sense, please, take it easy okay," the doctor added as Marinette nodded quickly. "You and your husband are free to leave," she concluded. 

"Oh, we're not married, we're just boyfriend and girlfriend," Marinette corrected. She nodded, "Great," she walked off as Marinette rolled her eyes. "That was weird," Marinette walked back into the car.

"Hmm? What was, the fact that you need to take it easy?" Adrien asked as she laughed. "No, when the doctor called you my husband," Adrien didn't pick up the signal.

"Huh, yeah that was weird," Adrien replied innocently. Marinette's eyes widened, "Is there something in your eye?" Adrien asked as she bit her lip. "Nope, nothing," she replied through gritted teeth.


Marinette was dropped off at her house, waving a quick goodbye to her boyfriend. "Why is he like this?" Marinette giggled as soon as she sat on the couch in the living room. She looked at her latter and then sighed.

"Tikki, spots-" "No Marinette!" Tikki interrupted. "You can't use your powers for personal reasons," Tikki repeated. "I'm doing this to keep Hugo from getting hurt," Marinette repeated as Tikki gave her a look.

"What about Chat! He's using his powers for personal reasons," Marinette crossed her arms. "Yes, but he's using it to help you," Tikki said as Marinette sighed. "Once Hugo is born, you are allowed to be using your powers again, full time," Tikki added as a half-smile curved onto Marinette's face.

Marinette climbed up the stairs to the second floor, and climbed the latter, very slowly. "Okay," Marinette released a breath. "I'm going to probably be sleeping downstairs soon," Marinette added with a laugh.

She walked over to the miraculous box, tapping one of the dots with her fingertip. A fox pendant glowed a bright orange, in the dimed room. The miraculous was distributed at the top as she grabbed it, putting it into a box.

"Once Alya is out of the hospital, I'm going to give this to her," Marinette looked at Tikki. "We're going to need help, since we may need a baby sitter or another superhero," Marinette added. "What if she doesn't get better..." Tikki trailed as Marinette's smile faded.

"She will,"

XD RIP MARINETTE AND ADRIEN'S DENSENESS. Also, Alya, I'm so sorry for making you get shot-

 Let's put a quick f for Marinette and all the crap she's going through...

Lol, anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a great day/night :)

Stay tuned!

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