Chapter 20: Dark Crimson

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HEYO! Ya girl Clipsey here. Lmao, what I weird intro XD. Anyway, I updated on time, thank the lord. Yeah, I'm already on my second day of my second quad master, and I want it to be over-

But, Wattpad still helps me cope. I love reading all of ur comments and suggestions - so keep 'em coming! Anyway, enjoy :D

Adrien closed the door behind him, handing Plagg some cheese. The dirt path was covered with footprints, as well as some Chat Noir boot prints he tried to cover up. He slid behind Marinette, resting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Hey," he said shortly after as she released a breath.

 Her hair was in a ponytail, as well as the fact she was wearing an orange sweater and black leggings. She wore a pair of warm winter boots, even though it was the beginning of Autumn.

Adrien had always made sure to keep an extra jacket in his bag now, in case his girlfriend had gotten cold. He always made sure to be prepared, and now with the baby on the way, he needed to prepare for anything.

"Nice weather, ay?" Adrien attempted to start a conversation. 

Marinette giggled, her fingers grasping the edge of her sleeves. "Yeah, it's pretty nice," Marinette replied. "I heard that this week is going to get a bit cold though,"

"Also, I was doing some more snooping around," " And it turns out that the shooter turned themselves in,"

Marinette looked at him with wide eyes. "I need to go talk to them," Marinette said immediately. Her hand released her sleeve, now clenched in a fist; she seemed to hold some anger towards the person.

"I know that you were going to say that, but I would like to come with you - if that's okay," Adrien responded with some force laced into his tone.

"Y-Yeah, sure, you should know as well," Their conversation went silent. Adrien looked at his shoes, stepping around the cracks on the sidewalk, trying to distract himself from the silence. Marinette watched him do this, a smile curving onto her face.

"Y-You know-" Marinette sneezed. "Bless you!" "And here," Adrien scrambled to reach the jacket that was in his bag.

Marinette laughed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "It's fine," Marinette bounced back, Adrien putting a warm jacket that she balanced over her shoulders.

"Adrien," Marinette stretched the word, her nose a bit stuffed. 

"You can't get a cold now - especially when you're pregnant!" Adrien had concern and anger laced into his voice.

"Thanks," Marinette didn't argue back, kissing his cheek. "Ahh, I forgot, I don't want to give you anything!" Marinette put a hand over her mouth as Adrien laughed.

"I don't care, I just don't want you to be sick," Adrien put simply. Marinette's cheeks became a bit red - how could Adrien say such sweet things with little effort?

"Gosh, I didn't notice my phone is buzzing like crazy," Adrien took it out as they arrived at the school.


~10 minutes before~

"Hello, Gabriel Agreste," Lady Amethyst spoke, the akuma disappearing in his scarf. "How dare you, give me back my broach!" Gabriel shot back immediately.

She laughed as Gabriel clenched his fist. "Now, I wouldn't want your secret identity to be revealed to all of Paris!" she cackled as he looked at his feet.

Gabriel closed his eyes in frustration. "What do you want with me?"

"The same thing you do - I want to destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir," "And, you may get a miraculous or two if you play my game~,"

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Stop talking like you are insane, and answer my question,"

She laughed. "Fine, fine. I'm here to make a deal if you're interested," "You must destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir - and you can get your fancy jewelry,"

"And, once you finish, you must create a senti-monster to capture all of the miraculous and get rid of them for good," she finished.

"What do you mean by 'destroy'?" Gabriel crossed his arms.

"I mean kill," Gabriel stared at the ground at the request. He closed his eyes - he needed Emilie back. "Fine," Gabriel sighed.

"Rise Dark Crimson, and slaughter to two pathetic miraculous holders!"


"It's an akuma attack!" Adrien clicked directly on the link to Nadja's live show.

"What!?" Marinette grabbed Adrien's phone as they continued to watch. "It appears that another one of Lady Amethyst's attack has hit Paris, and the newest villain is going by the name Dark Crimson. They're destroying everything it's sight-"

Adrien's phone battery died. "That's very useful," Marinette crossed her arms as Adrien rubbed the back of his neck.

"Plagg, claws out!" he shouted seconds later as Marinette had said her familiar transformation words. Ladybug was about to follow Chat, reminding herself that she was quite literally grounded until further notice.

Ladybug sighed, opening up the news channel on her yo-yo. "It seems that the three top superheroines are fighting Dark Crimson - who is now heading to the asylum! And the question remains, has Ladybug truly abandon us? She is nowhere in sight!"

"What..." Ladybug trailed off.

Ladybug wanted to go - she wanted to go so badly, but she couldn't. She kicked the wall in rage, silently starting to wipe away her tears. She missed swinging around Paris, protecting all the innocent victims from HawkMoth's control, and maybe one day, defeating him.

Of course, she had to sit here in an alleyway, playing tic tac toe by herself on a wall.

"Ladybug~ Come out of hiding," Ladybug wiped her head around, whirling her yo-yo. She instinctively leaped up onto the roof of some houses, running as fast as she could. "M'lady!" Chat lept in front of her, causing her to slide to a stop.

"What are you-" "What are you doing!? You're going to get hurt," Chat twirled his baton as Ladybug crossed her arms. "I promise, I'm going to be fine. Also, I was just running from something in the alleyway," Ladybug added doing a twist in the air, grabbing some mind slaves and disassembling them.

"What the..." Ladybug saw them go into a puddle of crimson red blood, only to morph together into another person. "M'lady," Chat said pushing one off the roof. "RUN!" he shouted quickly after as they lept away as Chat screeched.

"C-Chat-" "No- No! Go without me, stay safe, okay?" Chat hissed as Ladybug ran quickly. She needed a plan, and she needed one now.

Hi friends! This chapter was a bit of a filler but has Chat Noir been taken, hostage? Gosh, I kinda hope not. But on the other hand, what kind of story would this be if it had no twists ;)

Also, I wanted to go back to updating on Wednesday, so enjoy the half early / on-time update :D!

Anyway, stay tuned for next week's update! Bai bai :D

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