Chapter 30: The Son of the Miraculous Heroes

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Hey everyone! OH MY GOD, IT'S THE END OF THE BOOK ;-; I'm so sadddddd

But, I do hope you enjoy this last chapter as much as I enjoy all of you :,)


"Uhm, so the entire class is here-" "THAT'S IT!?" Marinette interrupted, "YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!"

He chuckled, "Sorry, princess," -he rubbed the back of his head- "Uhm, I'll have to let them in-" "Marinette!" Rose squealed, "How are you? Oh, we're so excited to meet Hugo!"

"Hey," Juleka added, Mylene giving her a warm smile and wave. "Wow, I underestimated the number of people who could fit in this room," she giggled, everyone laughing with her. "Yeah, Hugo is almost done getting checked out, so we could all meet him soon."

Marinette breathed, "What's taking so long?" He chuckled, "It hasn't been very long, princess," he sighed, "I think you may just be a bit nervous." "You think?" she shot back, some of the girls giggling.

"It's fine, Hugo is tough," he chuckled, "He's part you," Marinette smirked at the statement. "Oh, I think I'm going to go get him now," Adrien left the room, Marinette sucking in a breath. "Don't worry dear," Sabine smiled, "In the end, you're just seeing him for the first of thousands of times."

Marinette nodded; Adrien, walking in again. Everyone's eyes softened; Adrien handing the wrapped up bundle to Marinette. Marinette teared up, Adrien quickly scurrying to her side. "Hey, he has your eyes," Marinette smiled, "This is so wonderful."

Adrien smiled widely, supporting Hugo's head with his palm while Marinette still held him. Nino gives Adrien a pat on the shoulder, Alya flashing Marinette a smile and walking over. "Wow, he's so handsome," Alya giggled, "I mean, he is part model and Marinette."

Marinette laughed; Sabine asking Marinette to hold him. Marinette handed Hugo to her mom, Sabine smiling as Tom played with his tiny hands. Marinette glanced at the rest of her classmates, all of them interested in seeing the baby.

Marinette, "I also," -she cleared her throat- "I told them we're getting married. He chuckled, "Couldn't keep that in, could you." "O-Only Alya and Nino," she giggled, "And Mom and Dad..."

Adrien chuckled, "Uh, also everyone me and Marinette are engaged now." "ADRIEN-" "Hmm?" "What happened to 'can't keep that in, can you,'" she scoffed, "Or whatever you said before."

"I mean, if Alya and Nino know, everyone else does as well," -he cleared his throat- "And yes, we are getting married, I proposed right before Hugo made his entrance." "Also, didn't you feel the contractions before your water broke?"

She giggled, "I didn't want to ruin the proposal," she laughed, "And I thought that if I made it to the end, I could tell you to drop me at the hospital after." She smirked, "But, he kind of interrupted the big moment."

"And, I suppose you can go back to being Ladybug again," Adrien whispered into her ear, "But, only when you're with me." She giggled, Rose walking up to the two. "Oh my gosh!" she squealed, "You're so cute you two!"

Marinette laughed, "I mean, it's pretty natural for us to be so close right now," she sighed, "I did just have our child today." Rose nodded happily, Juleka smiling from beside her. "Congrats," she said, barely audible, "I hope you can get some sleep tonight."

They both laughed, Juleka smiling slightly at the reaction. Adrien was handed back Hugo, him wiping a tear as Marinette let one leak out from her eyes. Marinette reached for Hugo, holding him tightly as Adrien and Marinette glanced at one another.

They shared a kiss, Hugo smiling for the first time.


"Why are we not staying with my mom and dad?" Marinette asked, cradling Hugo in her arms as they went into Adrien's apartment. "Because," he breathed, "Don't we want the first night when we're not at the hospital to be the three of us?"

She smiled, "I suppose." Marinette laughed, "It feels so weird without Hugo in my belly," she breathed, "Like...I feel lighter?" He laughed loudly, "Oh wow, you don't say."

"Oh, shush!" Marinette squealed, "You've never been pregnant before, you don't know the feeling." "God, I hope I never know the feeling," he chuckled, "But, you do have a point."

Plagg flew from his pocket, "Oh wow, good job kid," he praised. "Thank you, Plagg," Marinette smiled, "Ooh, he's so cute, Marinette!" Tikki squealed. Adrien transformed, Marinette shielding Hugo's eyes from the green flash.

"Chat Noir? Now?" she laughed, "Just because I'm not pregnant anymore doesn't mean I want to do that again." "No, not that!" he groaned playfully, "I want to take us on the roof or something."

"Hold Hugo," she breathed, smiling widely. "Tikki, Spots on!" Marinette smiled, Hugo giggling at the red light he saw peaking through Chat's hand. "Wow, I can finally be Ladybug again!" she practically jumped up. Chat chuckled, "Yes, I suppose it is that way."

They lept up onto the roof, Ladybug holding Hugo tightly as she flew through the air. "Isn't this fun Hugo?" she made sure to slow down so Hugo wouldn't get hurt by the wind speeds.

He didn't reply, but he smiled slightly, Ladybug squealing as they landed on the Eiffel Tower. "Wow, what a night," he breathed, "I never expected it to be like this." "You mean morning, right?" "Well, anyway, there is no way I'm sleeping."

She laughed, "With Hugo with us, I don't think we will." "Look, Hugo," she turned him to face Paris, "Isn't it pretty?"

Hugo's eyes widened, smiling cheekily as Ladybug played with his tiny fingers. Chat wrapped his arms around Ladybug, both of them sharing a warm look over Ladybug's shoulders. Ladybug sighed, "Do you think we're parent material?" she cradled Hugo in her arms, Chat ringing his bell to make him giggle.

Both of the parents smiled, the sunrise etching out their features. "Don't worry, we got this."


Wow, okay, this book is finished. I really want to thank all of you for the amazing support throughout writing this, and perfect timing, we actually hit 10k on Monday. AND THANK YOU ALL FOR 10k AHHHHHHH WTF TvT 

I probably would have never finished this book without all of you, and I loved reading all of your amazing comments :,)

I mean, I'm going to be publishing the sequel for The Selection (my other book) today, so you could go check out The Selection (ONCE IM DONE EDITING) if you are looking for something to read :3

(Edit: Thank you for 12k!)

But, for the last time on this book, I'll be signing off.

Have an amazing day/night, and I hope you enjoyed this novel!

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