Chapter 12: Breaking the News

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I like the picture above. I think it was made for the anime version of MLB a long time ago.


Today is my sister, ScribbleKingdom 's Birthday!!! Go wish her on her homepage. Also, check out her books, they're amazing!

Enjoy the chapter!

Marinette entered her classroom, her hands sweating. Her class was noisy as usual, and after breaking the news to her teacher, Miss Bustier, she told them it was time to inform the class.

"Kids, kids," Miss Bustier clapped her hands as the class quieted down. Alya gave Marinette a quick nod as Adrien squeezed her hand as well. "We have an announcement," Miss Bustier smiled, handing over the spotlight to Marinette.

"Well, uh," Marinette took a deep breath. "During an Akuma attack, there was a small issue concerning me, and Adrien," Marinette spoke, not going into much detail.

"I...I'm pregnant," Marinette spat out.

The class went a deathly still. Chloe covered her mouth to hide her smile as Lila repeated the action. "Wow!" Alix felt brave enough to speak. "Adrien is the father, right?" Alix added as Lila gasped silently.

"Y-Yes," Marinette smiled as he kissed her cheek. "What did I tell you guys, Adrien and Marinette were meant to be," Alya stood up as the girls laughed. Marinette cheekily smiled as Adrien rubbed the back of his head. "You can count on us Marinette!" Mylene smiled.

"We'll be here for you, no matter what happens," Rose smiled at the couple. "Definitely," Juleka said, her voice barely over a whisper. Marinette felt the pride of being supported by her friends, Adrien smiling as well.

Nino was the first one to run up to Adrien as the rest of the class followed. Marinette got bombarded with questions, some more comfortable than the others. "Hey!" Chloe got pushed to the back.

Lila was still in her seat, crossing her arms tightly below her chest. "Tch," she mumbled leaving the classroom. Marinette's brows furrowed, but she ignored it. Adrien and Marinette were still holding hands, which Alya had managed to snap a picture of.

"That was much better than I expected!" Adrien yelled to Marinette. Marinette smiled in response. "Yeah, it was!" Marinette felt her friends tugging on her arms. Miss Bustier clapped her hands, also giggling.

"Settle down class, it's time for learning!" Miss Bustier said as half of the class groaned. "Where did Lila run off to?" Miss Bustier said as everyone finished sitting down. "I-I think I saw her leave the classroom," Marinette raised her hand.

"I'll go look for her, Alya, you're in charge of the class," Miss Bustier left, closing the door softly. "I told you they'd have a good reaction," Alya teased, poking her arm. "Yeah," Marinette got out some of her school work.

"Where's my homework?" Marinette searched through her bag. "I put it in here this morning, I sware I did!" Marinette looked through every pocket. "I'm sure it'll turn up," Alya said as Marinette placed the bag onto the floor.

"Here she is, now go to your seat Lila," Lila walked through the middle of the class, dropping some paper onto the floor; no one seemed to notice. "Oh! Marinette, is this your homework?" Lila picked it up, handing it to her.

"T-Thanks!" Marinette put it into her bag. Strange... Marinette thought to herself as Miss Bustier collected Adrien's and Nino's homework. "Oh! We're collecting it now," Marinette mentally face-palmed herself, taking out her homework again.

When Miss Bustier looked at it, she gave a silent and deep sigh, putting it on the bottom of the pile. "Wow girl, you may have a case of pregnancy brain," Alya laughed as Marinette slapped her arm playfully.

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