Chapter 28: The Interruption

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Hey everyone, Clippy checking in :P!! By the title of the chapter, take a GOOD GUESS what happens :D! Actually, it's not as obvious as I probably think it is...-

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter :)!

"Marinette!" -she whipped her head around- "I got into Sorbonne!" Her expression lit up, "That's amazing!" "Yes, I got into my top choice!" -he pecked her cheek- "No more worrying." She giggled, "You really set the tone for the day," he chuckled at her.

"I got money saved up from the cologne line that I can use," -he rubbed the back of his neck- "I think I got enough." "Also enough to still afford the rent for my place," he added. She got up slowly, "I'm so proud of you," she hugged him as tight as she could using one arm.

"What about you?" he asked, her expression saddening. "I did get into my top school-" "That's amazing!" he cut her off, Marinette glancing to the side. "Is something wrong-" "I can't go!" she yelled tears in her eyes.

He looked into her eyes, "Why not?" "The school is in New York..." -she rubbed her temples- "I can't move there and leave my parents to raise our child!" His brows furrowed, "I...suppose not," -he paused- "Wait, what if-"

"No, you have to go to that school," she cut him off, his expression softening. "We knew there had to be another downfall somewhere in this," -she sighed- "I'm going to be the one paying for it."

"How is that fair?" -he sighed- "I can take my second choice if you want." "No, never," "I can go to my second one here, and if I possibly can get the internship in the future with Chloe's mom, then it'll be better than going to that school."

"If...that's what you like, princess," he glanced to his pocket, fumbling with a small jewelled object. "Hey, uh, princess," -she looked up at him- "Could I take you to dinner tonight?"

She looked him up and down, "What are you planning?" "Nothing!" -he cleared his throat- "Cat's honour, I promise." She smiled, giggling slightly. "Just, be at the front door at 8 pm sharp-" 

"Shouldn't we be saving that money for the baby?" "Well, yes," -he rubbed the back of his neck- "But I took this money out from the tips I got from other fans!"

"Adrien-" "Just be there! Please!" he tossed her a smile, running out the door. She giggled slightly, sighing. "That cat..." she mumbled with a smile.


Marinette waited outside her door, Chat Noir dropping down from the roof. "How's my princess?" he hung on by his claws, looking at her upside down. "Get down Chat!" -he landed feet first- "Okay...What did you need tonight?"

"It seems you already know," -he chuckled- "Since you're all dressed up." "I-I just put on a dress, because I was guessing..." -she crossed her arms- "And because you told me nothing!" "My apawlogies, purrincess,"

She raised an eyebrow, "If you think that throwing puns at the problem will make it better-" "Okay, no more puns then," she giggled slightly at his sentence. "So, where are we off to anyway?"

He picked her up, Marinette freaking out. "H-How can you even-!?" he laughed. He leaped upon the rooftops, dropping them off onto a long narrow one, lined with candles and red roses.

"Chat-" "This is the day where..." "...You first rejected me." She laughed, walk down the flat area. "And this is as beautiful as it was 4 years ago," she tossed him a smile over her shoulder. He reddened slightly, proceeding to walk to the railing leaning on it with his elbows.

"And I remember that when we were here, I brought Marinette here," -he chuckled- "Having no clue Ladybug was with me the whole time."

Marinette giggled, "It does sound pretty silly the more I think of it," she admitted with a smile, then clutching her stomach. "Come on, not now," she muttered to herself.

"But, no matter how sad I was, Marinette was the one who cheered me up." he turned around, a smile expressed into his features.

She blushed, "Yes, of course," -she laughed- "The days of us not knowing our identities, and still trusting you with my life." She laughed, "It feels like such a long time ago."

"And that's because it was," -he pulled out a rose from behind his back- "A flower for My lady?" She giggled, picking up the rose between her fingers. "You're just full of tricks, aren't you," she breathed through her laughing.

"Here, we have somewhere else we can go," he picked her up once more, ignoring her squeals for her to stop before he broke his arms. He lept onto the roofs of the other Parisians' homes, jumping further, Marinette's voice dying down.

He lept onto the top floor of the Eiffel Tower.

"Chat, what are we doing here?" she admired the faint light of some car's headlights, looking like fireflies from their height. "We always come here after our patrol, did we not?" "Well, yes," -she giggled- "But, why are we here now?" 

He got down onto one knee, her cupping her mouth.

"Marinette, I loved you since the moment you released your very first butterfly," -he chuckled- "And I've realized after everything that we've been through, you've been the one beside me."

"And, I also realized that I could never picture my life without you."

"I-It alright either way," -she smiled through her tears- "But, will you marry me?" "Y-Yes, of course," she smiled, cupping his face with her hands, kissing him passionately.

"T-That's so amazing," he cried, her wiping a tear. She then screamed, both of their eyes meeting, glistening in the moonlight.

Marinette's water had broke.

...And cut-

AHAA YOU THOUGHT THAT I WAS GOING TO NOT END ON A CLIFFHANGER? Okay, I'm sorry - you'll find out about the end of this story any minute-

Well, Adrien and Mari are engaged, that's great-

Everyone: >:(

... :>


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