Chapter 25: The August Firing

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Hey everyone! Clippy le idiot checking in :P

Mk, so by the name, I'm sure you can guess what's going to happen...

But enjoy it nonetheless :)

Marinette's hair danced in the slight breeze, and the sound of slightly rustling branches echoed in the distance. Wildflowers covered the meadow, looking like sprinkles covered on a field of warm green icing. The sun was brightly shining into her eyes, etching her features with a bright yellow light. "This is just perfect, is it not?" his head rested on her shoulder, playing with the ribbon on her dress.

Marinette nodded slightly, a smile gracing her lips. She had ventured to this meadow, away from the crowds during the summer. Paris was a giant tourist attraction during August, and the bakery was busy because. "I can't stop thinking of Chloe," Marinette proceeded to sit up, rubbing her temples.

"We should have never forgotten her."

Chloe's death had changed everyone's mood for the worst.

"No one could have seen that coming," the sorrow was evident in his tone. "Well, maybe if we visited," Marinette sighed, "I talked to her when she was last here with us, and she got so mad at seeing she made the nurse escort me out."

"And then...that happened," She whispered as Adrien sat up. "But, it's not entirely our fault," "If maybe her Dad had come, or her Mom, she would have never..." Adrien couldn't manage to get the word out.

"But what if we were there!?" "She was just a room across! We could have-" "If Chloe hated her life enough to end it, then what would we have done-" "We would have done something!" Marinette's eye's glossed.

Adrien opened his mouth to reply, but his phone buzzed as he answered. "Hello...Yes, this is he..." Marinette waited patiently as she suddenly heard him gasp. "That's amazing news! We'll be there immediately," He said as Marinette groaned.

"Why can't we just stay here, and not go back to the busy city-" "Alya is getting out of the hospital today," Adrien smiled goofily as the shock was evident in her features. "What are we waiting for then!?"


"Did you hear?" Marinette gave Nino a quick hug. "Yes, I heard a couple of days ago, but I wanted to make it a surprise," Nino replied. "Of course you heard before her best friend," Marinette said as they shared a quick laugh.

"Hey Nino," Adrien put an arm around Marinette's shoulder as she smiled slightly.

He quickly waved before the doctor came out to meet them. "Okay, she's coming," Marinette whispered and sucked in a breath as Nino walked in. "Wow, I'm so excited," Marinette felt her hand subconsciously go to rub her belly. She was nine months in, she was due very soon.

Alya was walked out, with Nino's help, with a small plastic tube going from an oxygen tank leading up to her nose. "Marinette," her eye's widened. "Alya, wow," Marinette was in shock about how her best friend looked. 

"H-How've you been?" Marinette said as they all laughed. "I'm pretty good, glad I can almost breathe on my own once more," Marinette's smile saddened. "Hey, now frowning," Alya bounced back immediately.

"And, I have some great news that I want to share with Marinette," She was intrigued at Alya's statement. Nino helped her wander into her hospital room, shutting the door as he left the two girls.

"So, Ladybug dropped by," Alya smiled slyly as Marinette giggled at the memory. "And, I found something out," Alya transformed, and pulled the plug from her nose. "Alya! What are-" she took a deep breath and released it.

"I-I can breathe properly with the miraculous,"

Marinette froze, and then a smile slowly formed on her face. "R-Really!?" Marinette double-checked as she took another deep breath. "Y-Yeah, I'm sure," "But, it's a bit sad," she paused, "Because you'll need this back soon, right?"

Marinette's smiled faded. "Yeah, with nine months in, I'm due anytime now," Marinette realized. "But, it's alright," Rena Rouge flashed a smile. " can keep the miraculous."

"Wait, what-" "I-I know that we're going to need some help after the pregnancy because right now is the easy part - the hard part is everything after," Marinette giggled slightly.

"S-So, I think you'll be a great holder," Marinette concluded. "Thank you!" Rena hugged her friend tightly, then letting go and de transforming and putting the tube back into her nose. Then, a gunshot, caused Alya and Trixx to freeze.

"N-Not again,"

Marinette's trauma made her freeze, and Trixx quickly tried to eat a cookie to recharge. "Tikki-" "No Marinette! No transforming!" Tikki reminded her as she muttered a quick apology. "Marinette!" Adrien burst into the room, shutting it behind him. "Nino is safe," Rena Rouge transformed, releasing a breath.

"I need to get you out of here," Adrien said as the sounds of screaming were somewhat muted by the door. "Is she o-" "Yes, Rena is good," Marinette said as Adrien transformed, picking up his girlfriend once more.

He leaped out the window and used his baton to quickly jump up onto the helicopter pad on the top of the building. "O-Okay," He let Marinette rest softly onto the ground, as she sucked in a breath. This wasn't the definition of 'taking it easy'.

"I'll be fine-" "Marinette, this shooter is after you," Chat interrupted as she glanced the other way. "Nino needs your help-" "I'm taking you back first," he picked her up again, running as fast as he could on the rooves of the Paris homes. Chat tried to avoid busy areas, he knew that the pesky tourists would notice the black cat possibly kidnapping a pregnant girl. 

"Okay, here," he dropped her off in front of the bakery's back door. "Are you the mascot or something?" the tourists asked as one snapped a picture of Chat. "I'm out," Chat muttered as Marinette softly giggled.


"Did you get the job done?" "I-I'm sorry, ma'am, she got away," The girl in all purple clenched her fists. "YOU HAD ONE JOB!"

"I-I'm sorry, but-" the other girl sucked in a breath "...Can I get the pay I needed-" "You didn't complete the deal," The one in purple snarled. "So, therefore, no,"

"B-But you said!" "Oops, I lied," she smiled for a split second as it faded back into a frown. "Now, kill her, or you're getting nothing," the other girl let a tear slip from her face.

"Marinette, I will find you," The one in purple cursed, "And I will kill you,"


It may have not been clear, but Chloe got too depressed, and she committed suicide.

...What do I say after that?

Also, yes the shooter is back, but it's a different shooter, and by some hints, I'm sure you'll know who the actual shooter is. I'll save you some research, it's not Gabriel or Lila. AND SCRIBBLEKINGDOM, I KNOW YOU KNOW IT SO DON'T COMMENT IT >:0

But, anyway, stay tuned, and have a great day/night :)!

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