Chapter 7: Protected

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Marinette was finishing her homework when she heard a knock on her window. She opened it to see Chat Noir grinning from ear to ear. "How's my favourite princess," he winked as Marinette giggled.

"I'm fine Chat," she replied as he rubbed her belly. "How's my second princess," he asked as Marinette sighed. "It could be a boy you know," she said as Chat shrugged. "Well, then, my little prince," he replied.

"You know, since I'm going to be the father of your child, shouldn't you know who I am?" Chat asked as Marinette froze. "What do you mean?" Marinette turned to face him. "Well, like, my identity," Chat responded.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Marinette said sadly. "That would put me and the child in danger if hawkmoth knew," Marinette added. "He doesn't, have to know," Chat put simply. "I want to be honest with you,"

"And I am being honest with you. That isn't a good idea," Marinette sighed. "How am I going to be in the child's life if you or the baby won't know my identity?" "And, if hawkmoth did see me coming here every night as Chat, they could realize that you are the mother of my child and use that against me,"

Marinette sighed, rubbing her belly. "I think it's too soon. Could I sleep on it?" Marinette asked as Chat Noir nodded. "Sure," he replied. Marinette sure wasn't positive that Chat Noir would keep his promise.

Also, if their child ever knew then they could tell other people putting both her and Chat in danger. Chat Noir left and Marinette finished her homework with the help of Tikki.

Would she trust Chat, or not?


The next day, Marinette was going to be a bit late for school because of her appointment. Tikki helped her with he usual morning sickness, and her mom was driving her to the clinic. Marinette walked into the office and clicked on her appointment and sat down.

She had never got a chance to silently sit and admire her stomach, but she had noticed a small baby bump starting to form. She smiled at this; she hoped the ultrasound would go smoothly.

Marinette was happy with any gender, she just hoped that if they were a boy or girl, they would have some of Chat's best traits. Marinette heard her name get called as she sat down in a large narrow chair. She was bent upright, so she wasn't necessarily sitting or lying down.

The doctor lifted her shirt half way up, and started to rub some gel onto her belly. The gel felt cold on her skin, and her mother gave her a quick nod and squeeze of her hand to assure her it was alright.

Marinette looked at the screen on her right, as the black and white image of a baby appeared. She heard the heart beat, making her smile and release a breath in relief. She noticed how fast the heartbeat was going.

"The heartbeat is so fast, is everything okay?" Marinette asked as the doctor smiled. "That's perfectly fine, that is how a baby's heart should sound like," the doctor explained as her face lit up a second later.

"Would you like to know the gender of your child?" she asked as Marinette glanced at her mom. Sabine shrugged and mouthed 'It's you choice' as Marinette held her breath. "Yes," she breathed.

"You're going to be having a baby boy," the doctor replied.

Marinette celebrated with her mother silently as the doctor did a few other tests. Once Marinette had left, she went up to the front desk. She scheduled another appointment for the next month, and she was looking forward to it.

"So," the secretary asked. "Do you know your gender?" she asked, smiling. "A boy," I replied, sharing her excitement. "Congradulations," she handed her a sheet with her appointment date. "Thank you," Marinette opened the door.

Marinette was next driven to school and was given an exused late. Alya wrote something down on a slit of paper and passed it to her. What's the gender? Alya wrote down. A baby boy, Marinette wrote back as Alya silently gasped.

Alya gave her friend a thumbs up as her teacher faced the board. "We'll talk about your son later," Alya winked as Marinette giggled. Her teacher noticed them, and put a finger to her lips and continued the lesson.

Marinette leaned on her desk, doodling on her paper. Marinette was still maintaining a high average even with her situation. She started to doodle Chat Noir, and smiles at her sketches.

My lady~ 

His voice echoes in her head. Even though he humour was cheesy, she hoped her son would get his kindness and understandingness...maybe even his humour.

Once she opened her laptop, she googled baby boy names and scrolled through the list. Alya glanced at her screen, occasionally pointing to a name. Marinette closed her laptop, unsatisfied.

She felt her name had to be creative, and she love names that started with H. She had gotten very common names, and felt she needed to make something on her own. She got home and asked Tikki about it as they talked about it.

"Hunter?" Tikki suggested as Marinette shook her head. "Too common," Marinette mumbled. "Hu...go?" Marinette said and perked up. "Hugo!" she exclaimed as Tikki smiled, nuzzling her cheek. "Baby Hugo, how cute," Tikki hugged her cheek.

"I can't wait to tell Chat," Marinette perked up. "Marinette, you're not going to let yourself find out his identity, right?" Tikki asked, curiously. "I've been thinking about it...I feel it would be much better if Alya knew 'so and so' was ChatNoir, and Ladybug and Chat Noir would be in a relationship, and Marinette and....whoever Chat Noir is would be in one too,"

Tikki nodded. "Are you ready for him to know your identity?" Tikki asked. "I...think so," Marinette sighed. "Be careful, okay Marinette?" Tikki warned.

"I will,"

Sorry for the late update!! Got busy updating my other book.

But, anyway hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned ;)

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