Chapter 2: The Talks

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"Three, Two, One, go!" Alya whispered as she and Ladybug sat down. "Hello, Ladyblogers," Ladybug smiled as Alya held a thumbs up. "Hello, bloggers, huge scoop. I am going to have some interviews with Ladybug! If you have any questions, make sure to contact me, and I'll ask them," Alya laughed.

"Oh! First question. Ladybug, have you ever felt anything for Chat Noir?" Ladybug laughed. "The only thing I have felt with Chat Noir is an annoyance," Ladybug smiled. Alya laughed. "Next, if you don't like Chat Noir, who would be the boy you like?"

Ladybug paused for a moment. "That's a secret," Ladybug winked. "Though, he is very kind and polite," Ladybug added, not making the fans too disappointed. Alya smirked. "This guy seems like someone," she winked at her, knowing that the guy was Adrien.

"Okay, next question,"


"GoodBye LadyBloggers! See you tomorrow, for your next exclusive questionnaire with Ladybug," Alya clicked off. Ladybug sighed. "That was so hard," Ladybug got up to stretch. "Tikki spots off," she said and caught Tikki in her hands.

"You were great Marinette!" Tikki smiled as Marinette handed her a cookie. "Thanks, Tikki," Marinette replied. "Aww, I wish I could take a picture of your kwami," Alya smiled at Tikki.

"You guys are so cute," Alya said as they all laughed. "Hey guys!" they both heard from the distance. Tikki flew into Marinette's satchel as Adrien Agreste walked over.

"Hey, Adrien. Where are you headed to?" "I just finished a photo shoot, I was heading to my bodyguard," Adrien smiled. "Marinette," he said as she waved.

"What were you guys doing here?" Adrien asked. "Oh, we were just walking around. Alya was doing her interviews with Ladybug here, so I came to watch," Marinette said, not stammering like usual.

What the heck?

Marinette shook her head, she must be dreaming. She wasn't stammering, and her face didn't look like a tomato! Did that mean...she didn't like Adrien anymore? No, that's impossible.

But...could she have fallen for Chat Noir? Overnight? Marinette rubbed her temples. "Are you okay, Marinette?" Adrien asked. She laughed it off. "Yeah, sorry," Marinette smiled.

"I have to go now, but see you guys at school," Adrien waved, as Marinette smiled at him. "Wow, girl," Alya said after Adrien left. "No stammering, I see," Marinette laughed at her friend's remarks.

"Oh shush," Marinette laughed. "I have to go now, I have some homework I have to finish up," Marinette pointed to the direction of the bakery.

"See you, girl," Alya waved as they parted ways. Tikki then flew out of Marinette's satchel, and gripped onto her shoulder. "Great job Marinette," Tikki smiled as Marinette giggled.

"For what?" "You finally can talk to Adrien! I'm so proud of you," Tikki smiled. Marinette returned it. "Thanks, Tikki," she motioned for her to hide.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I'm going to my room. I have some homework," she kissed both of there cheeks. They both smiled as she walked up to her room.

"Okay, first question. Wh-" she heard a knock above her. "Chat Noir?" she opened the hinge as he waved. "Hey, princess. I just wanted to stop by," he smiled as she let him in.

"Wow, your room is pretty," he admired it. She giggled. "Thanks, Chat," she sat down. "What do you need?" she asked promptly.

"Well, I just wanted to apologize about last night. I should have gotten hit," Chat shook his head. Marinette laughed nervously. "Well, I shouldn't have either. I'm just thankful we don't remember it!" they both nervously laughed.

They sat in silence, as Marinette continued her work. "Who's this guy?" Chat asked, remembering about Marinette's crush on Adrien. She blushed a bit and laughed.

"Adrien Agreste," she smiled. "What do you think of him?" he look at the collage of pictures. "He's one of my classmates. He's a model, and he's kind. He is used for inspirations for my designs," Marinette filled out some homework questions.

"I had a small-" she paused in mid-sentence as Chat turned his head around. "I mean have. I have a crush on him," Marinette bit her lip nervously.

Chat laughed. "Do you?" he blushed and smiled. She groaned. "Yes, It's a lost cause though. He doesn't even know I have feelings for him; he thinks I'm scared of him," she said as Chat laughed.

She glared at him. "Don't make me regret telling you this," she said as Chat pretended to be scared. "Sorry, Princess. You're just so cute when you're trying to be intimidating," he laughed as Marinette blushed.

"C-Chat Noir!" she exclaimed as she covered her face with her hands. "I have to do homework now," she groaned as she led him out. "Goodbye, Chat Noir," she let him out onto her balcony. "I don't want to go! Especially since I smell something sweet-" "Chaat," she waved her finger at him.

"Fine. I'm coming tomorrow though." Chat crossed his arms as Marinette sighed playfully. "Yes, kitty. You can come tomorrow," Chat's eyes lit up. "Yay!" he exclaimed as she giggled. "Okay, but Chaton," she watched him leap away.

When Marinette sat back down at her table, she was still a bit red. "Oh, I understand now," Tikki giggled as Marinette looked at her. "You like Chat Noir," Tikki teased as Marinette turned bright red.

"I do not!" Marinette covered the left side of her face. Tikki giggled. "That Akuma changed you Marinette," Tikki whispered, munching on a cookie.

"Even though you still like the same guy,"

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