Chapter 9: The Reveal

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"I-It was you!?" Marinette felt her face turn red. Adrien rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah," he replied, looking at Marinette malfunction. Then, Marinette ran up to hug him. "P-Princess!?" Adrien stammered as Marinette sighed.

"Y-You stupid cat," Marinette felt his warm embrace. "I can't believe it's you," Marinette pulled back. Adrien chuckled. "Your reaction was cute, princess." Marinette giggled at his remarks. "Come on, we're going to miss the movie," Marinette pulled on his hand.


Marinette couldn't sit still. Her mind was still wrapping around the fact Adrien was Chat Noir. She looked at Adrien, and leaned on her hand, feeling her earrings. She had to tell him, right?

How was she supposed to explain that? Marinette felt herself blush as she saw Adrien looking at the movie. Her face still turned red every time she saw him, and he seemed to notice her discomfort.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, grabbing her hand. "I'm fine, I'm just thinking," Marinette felt him squeeze her hand. She watched the lines of the movie, feeling that they refected her personal life.

"I thought you trusted me," One of them said. "I do," the other replied blandly. "Then why are we still keeping secrets? I told you mine," they countered. The other sighed. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret-" "It doesn't have to be,"

The other one groaned. "When will you stop pressuring?" "Once you tell me." "That day is never going to come," "Unless you tell me now, than that means that the day is today," they replied. The other one laughed.

"I trusted you, now trust me," he reached for her face. "I..."

Marinette shut her eyes. She looked at Adrien, and told her to follow him out of the theatre. He looked surprised, but trailed behind her. She went outside as she went into an alley way, looking at the surroundings. She didn't feel this was the right way to tell him...

"Can we go to the Eiffel Tower?" Marinette asked as Adrien shrugged. "I need to tell you something," Marinette said as Adrien transformed. "Your chariot awaits," Chat extended his arm. He picked her up and lept all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"So," Chat said, letting her sit on his pole will clinging onto her waist. "I haven't been fully truthful with you Chat, even though you have," Marinette felt herself play with her satchel. The wind blew his hair. "What do you mean?"

"You told me about your secrets, and it's time I tell you mine," she stood up. "P-Princess, you are going to-" "Tikki, spots on!"

Chat looked at her.

"C-Chat?" Ladybug asked. His face curved into a smile as he tackled her in a hug. "I never thought you could get more perfect, M'lady," Chat kissed her as Ladybug giggled. "This is the best day of my life!" Chat exclaimed.

Ladybug shut him up before he could say more by pecking him on the lips. "Wait!" Chat exclaimed, pulling on her arm. "No more Ladybug while you're pregnant," Chat said as Ladybug sighed.

"It has only been two months!" Ladybug shot back. "Later, I will have to stop, but not now," Ladybug felt the wind in her hair. "Come on, Chaton," she flung her yo-yo onto the nearest building.

"I'll race you to your house,"

Ladybug fell onto Adrien's bed as she detransformed. "So soft," she mumbled as Adrien gave her a funny look. "So cute," Adrien whispered. Marinette hit him with a pillow making him laugh. "Adrien!" Natalie said as Marinette hid under the bed.

"Yes, Natalie?" Adrien asked as she searched the room. "No one is in here, right?" Natalie checked his closet. "No, no one is ever in here," Adrien sighed as Natalie closed the door. Marinette got out of bed and pulled Adrien's face towards her.

"I never thought I was a nobody," Marinette pout as Adrien half-smiled. "I'm so happy we were truthful," Adrien said as Tikki and Plagg snacked and chatted with each other. "Is this your kwami?" Marinette grabbed Plagg.

"He's like a little kitten," Marinette stroked his head. "T-That tickles!" Plagg said as both of the teens giggled. "And, that's Tikki!" Marinette said as she swarmed around Adrien's head. "Hello!" Adrien let her sit in his hands.

"Nice to meet you Adrien," Tikki smiled warmly. "Tikki seems like the nicer one of the duo-" "Hey!" Plagg interrupted as Marinette giggled. "Don't say that," Marinette rubbed Plagg against her cheek. "You smell like freshed back croissants," Plagg whispered as Marinette giggled.

Both of the kwami's flew away as Marinette and Adrien rested both of there hands on the bed. Marinette smiled as Adrien cupped her cheek. "A-Adrien?" Marinette felt herself blush a little. He kissed her passionately as Tikki and Plagg admired from a distance.

"They're so cute!" Tikki squealed. Plagg glanced over and shrugged. "They're just two dorks, that's why they are perfect for each other," Plagg groanned as Tikki playfully slapped him. "When are we going to kiss?" Plagg puckered his lips.

"Once your breath doesn't smell like cheese," Tikki replied. Both of the kwamis laughed as they watched there owners.

"I love you," Adrien smiled between kisses. "I love you too,"

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