Val was helping her cousin too as she was checking the names of the Trolls Melody wanted to invite for her birthday, "Are you sure these are the Trolls you want to invite for your birthday, Melly?"

"I'm sure Cousin Val. Besides, I made news friends, so maybe I'll make some changes for my birthday this year," Melody explained.

Suddenly, Aggie flew towards the three Trolls with the invitation in her hand.

"Hey, Melody!" She landed besides the Pop/Rock Troll.

"Hi Aggie!" Melody fist-bumped with her.

"Thanks for inviting me to your birthday!"

"Oh, you got my invitation!"

"So, what theme party are you going to throw for your birthday?" Poppy asked

"Oh, I'm not throwing a party for my birthday," Melody replied.

"What?!" The Pop Queen screamed in shock.

"Let me guess: You Rock Trolls just have to 'go with ' F.L.O.W.'?" Aggie guessed while gesturing her fingers

Melody shook her head, "No, I decided to not to have a birthday party this year."

"WHAT?!" It was Aggie's turn to scream in shock, "But, you're part Pop and Rock. Two kinds of Trolls love parties."

Melody placed the last invitation in the enveloped, "Yeah, well, ever since I moved to TrollsTopia, I made a couple of friends, and I decided to invite some good friends, and have a very small slumber party in my room."

"Ooh, so it's a Slumber birthday party, but a simple, quiet, non-crazy party," Poppy slowly frowned.

"Melody, I respect what you want for your party but this is your first birthday in TrollsTopia. Your party should be big and fun, and everyone should appreciate how you came to be," Aggie suggested with a fun excited bold voice.

"I don't think it's a big deal," Melody waved a hand.

"Every birthday is a big deal! That's why it should be celebrated," Aggie then had an idea, and snapped her finger, "Okay, Melody, here's the plan: I'll make you a birthday you deserve."

Val arched a brow, "Can you even do that?"

"Val, please, I'm not just popular in my family because they love me, it's because I threw the greatest birthday parties ever, even outside of my family. It's a living," The Magic Musical Troll told Val, then turned back to Melody, "So, I'll make you the awesome birthday party ever!"

"Well," The Pop/Rock Troll then thought about it for a minute. She doesn't want a big party, but maybe a usual fun party with different kinds of Trolls she invited, "Okay, Aggie, I'll let you plan my party,"

"Yes! Don't worry, Melody. You won't regret this!" Aggie exclaimed excitingly. She was excited to plan a birthday party of her new friend here in TrollsTopia. Until then, a vision came in, and stared blankly.

Melody threw her shades angrily on the floor in front of Aggie, "You're the worst party planner and the worst friend ever! I hate you!"

After the vision, Aggie was shocked for what she saw. She's going to ruin Melody's party, and she's going to hate her. Their friendship will end so soon.


Later, Aggie decided to have a meeting with the other 4 ambassadors to share to them her vision as she needed help.

"I never had a vision like this before, you guys. Melody said that I was the worst friend and that she hated me."

"Aggie... can I still call you Aggie?" Synth asked before he can relate to her situation

Trollstopia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now