Day 6| Dorbyn- Fluff

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Summary: Finally! Daniel's been waiting all his life to teach Corbyn something rather than the other way around

Daniel's POV
Maybe I was unreasonably excited.

Maybe I was making a big deal out of nothing.

Maybe I was completely justified because three years ago I married a genius that seemed to know the answer to every question I had ever had and for once he was the one clueless and I was the one who knew the correct choice.

" I'm actually kinda scared," he giggled from passenger seat, playing with my ring in that cute way he always did when he was nervous.

" Scared of what?" I mused, kissing at his fingers to halt their motions.

" Falling. I mean, ice is incredibly hard and we have blades on our feet. I just don't want anything to happen," he rambled softly, looking at my lips as I continued my kisses.

" You don't have to do it," I breathed against his skin, peeking past his hand to see the road," not if you're really that scared."

Of course, I want you to do it, want to be the teacher for once.

He smiled at that, leaning over the dash to kiss me as the car came to a stop in the parking lot of the outdoor ice-skating rink.

" Well, you always let me drag you to the observatory. It's only fair that I try something you love."

And I thought I couldn't love this boy anymore than I already did.

" Besides, you won't let me fall, right?" His pupils blown and cheeks red and sweet.

" Never," I promised, getting another giggle.

" Then what are we waiting for?"

I let go of his hand to get out of car, going into the back to grab my skates and the pair I had bought for him only a week ago.

With them in my hand, I walked around to his side before leading the way to the gate entrance for the rink.

We payed the fee to get in and walked over to one of the many benches there.

I slipped my own with ease, smiling as I tied them, forgetting just how much I had missed this.

I glanced over to see Corbyn with his tongue between his teeth as he tugged them on, tightly tying the laces.

" Okay, darling," I grunted as I pushed myself up, carefully maneuvering so I was facing him," give me your hand and I'll walk you through it."

I reached for him and with his lip between his teeth he obeyed, letting me glide backwards to pull him up.

" There you go," I cooed low in my throat," just stay calm and try to keep your balance. Remember, I won't ever let you fall."

He nodded," okay," he sighed, swallowing hard as he stared at his feet," w-what now?"

" Just skate how you would if they had wheels instead. The process isn't really that different."

He nodded once more, trying to position his feet only for them to slide further apart, causing to his grip to become painful.

" Don't worry," pulling my husband closer," I got you," kissing at his forehead," I got you."

He pressed into me, taking slow, full breaths," I know," he whispered, making me soften for him.

" Just follow my lead," I whispered," like when we were dancing at our wedding."

He giggled into my neck. His usual reaction whenever I mentioned that day.

We glided around together, Corbyn slowly getting the hang of it, body relaxing against my chest.

On our fourth circle of the entire rink he pulled back," it's actually kinda fun," he laughed, nose-tip red with early frostbite," can I try it on my own?"

" You sure, honey? I don't want you to get hurt," I worried, still holding his waist.

" I am and I'll be careful," he assured," and it isn't like you'll be very far."

" Okay," I sighed with a little smile," go on then."

My hands slid from body, still out and ready to catch him the moment he fell.

As I assumed he would, Corbyn wobbled without my support, looking something like a baby deer trying to learn how to use its legs, but he didn't fall, and that was all that mattered to me.

" Okay, okay," he sighed, more to himself than me," how do I go forward?"

He didn't look up at me, watching his feet as if his stare was the only thing keeping him upright.

" Just push off one of your feet, like you do when you skate normally."

I kicked off my right foot, going in a slow circle around him.

He nodded and followed my instructions, yelping a little when he actually moved.

" Perfect," I praised on instinct," now do it again."

It took half an hour for Corbyn to start to fully understand.

Now he was gliding just ahead of me, looking noticeably more relaxed.

I sped up, soon at his side," so, how are you feelin'?"

" Uh, fine. I feel fine. Not great, not even good, but it doesn't feel like I'm gonna fall anymore."

I nodded, smiling gently," you're doing incredible, Baby girl," grabbing his hand and entwining our fingers.

I loved the pale, embarrassed flush my words brought to his cheeks, thinking of the days when that pet-name was bedroom only.

" Thank you. You're a great teacher," he grinned, guiding us to a bench," let me show you how grateful I am, yeah?"

The mere suggestion warming my blood.

" Yes please," I dropped down beside him without a second thought, quickly tugging off my skates.

He smiled, giggled," I knew you'd agree."

Maybe I had overreacted when I had been told Corbyn wanted to learn how to ice-skate.

Maybe my excitement had been undeserved.

But the promise of bedroom activities was something I would never stop getting excited about.


What If?// More WDW BxB: Corbyn-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora