My Husband, His Boyfriend, And I (Part Three): Dorbah- Fluff

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Summary: Daniel hadn't expected Corbyn to keep kissing him after Jonah left, but he had and now Daniel can't stop

Daniel's POV
Carefully, I blinked my eyes open. Checking tentatively for the sunlight that always seemed to be on a mission to render me blind.

There wasn't a single shaft, thankfully. The sun had barely made it over the horizon, our room still bathed in blue shadows.

That's good, my sleepy brain rumbled happily, it's hot though.

It wasn't, not really anyway. It was just warmer than usual.

Maybe Joan forgot to turn on the AC?

As if hearing my thoughts, a cool wind tossed gently at my hair.

The fan?

The constant hum and flicker of twirling blades quickly dismissed that thought.

Then why-

Fuck, it was too early in the morning to be solving Goddamn mysteries!

I shut my eyes firmly, stubbornly refusing to think anymore on the matter. I would fall back asleep and deal with it when I had two sleepy heads instead of one.

Something shifted beside me, tucking sweetly into my side with a quiet, content sound.

The figure was shorter than my Jonah, sleeker too. Morning stubble didn't brush along my skin where the chin met my shoulder.

I opened my eyes once again and looked to my right, where the movement hadn't come from.

As always, Jonah was there. Head laying beside mine on our shared pillow, fingers tangled together with our wedding rings gone.

The sight was so painfully familiar, so endlessly comforting, that I nearly forgot why I had woken back up in the first place.


I looked down to my left, stunned for a second by the relief that washed over when I saw it was only Corbyn.

Only Corbyn?

Yeah, cause Corbyn slept over every day. He was here all the time!

The night before come back in a slow trickle of vivid memories. Remembering filthy words and harsh scoldings and first times.

Yeah, I chuckled to myself, only Corbyn.

Jonah stirred then, groaning quietly in the same way he did every time he was just waking up, morning or otherwise.

He hid away into my hair, sighing as he squeezed at my bare hand.

" Morning," he rumbled lowly, kissing my scalp.

" Good morning," twisting just enough to kiss his bristly chin.

Why was I in the middle?

Corbyn and I were much closer to Jonah than to one another.

Surely the younger boy would've been more comfortable against him?

" Still sound asleep, huh?" Jonah's tone helplessly fond, obviously speaking of our dozing guest.

" Is this normal for him?" Glancing to the slighter male, words a hum in my throat.

" Mhm," my love rumbled," you'll be lucky to get him up before 9. He'll sleep 'til 11 though if you let him."

" If he plans on eating breakfast he better be out of this damn bed by 8," I muttered despite shutting my own eyes. Perfectly content to nap with him for just a little while longer.

What If?// More WDW BxB: Corbyn-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن