12》You'll Be Alright (Part Two): Jorbyn- Smut

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Summary: Everything's a little easier, not easy, not yet, but easier. Corbyn says they should get drunk and everything's easy when there's alcohol in your blood, too easy

Lyrics: "And my friend said/ I know you love her, but it's over, mate/ It doesn't matter, put the phone away/ It's never easy to walk away, let her go/ It'll be okay/ It's gonna hurt for a bit of time/ So bottoms up, let's forget tonight/ You'll find another and you'll be just fine/ Let her go"

Jonah's POV
" Let me get you drunk," it was a breath in the kitchen. The first words spoken early in the morning.

I look up from my miserable reflection in my dark coffee. Meet the blue eyes that always seemed to be watching me.

" Help you forget it all for a few hours."


There's a purr bubbling beside the tickle in my throat. It pooled thick in my belly, burned hot in veins.

Corbyn was warmer beside me. As constant a presence as the blood beneath my skin. He was smiling, I could feel him smiling.

" You still a lightweight, Joan?" The tiniest of slurs to his tease, lips just that much looser while he reached for the bottle.

" Fuck you," my fuzzy mouth bit back. Mind already lost to the drink.

" You wish," his voice is back, his proper voice. No ringing gentleness, no excess tact. Just Corbyn.

I do, some gone part of me muses. And wasn't that a funny thought.

His lips pop when he pulls it back, wet and shiny and open around a rough sigh. Some slides inticingly down his powerful jaw. A soft pink tongue brushes it away.

The glass thunks against my chest. I don't look away from those dark eyes as I take it, don't look away as I swallow another mouthful.

The tears make it difficult, pooling in the corners of my eyes. They spill over when I cough.

" Shit," it's a rasp in my aching throat. My fingers dig into the skin. That makes it worse.

Corbyn's laughing again. It fills my lonely apartment, chases away that nipping chill," God, you are!"

" Shut up," a desperate wheeze and a weak glare paired with glistening eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

To say the effect is lost is to say nothing at all.

" Make me," he snaps it back before tipping back the bottle. Filling his slender, pale throat all over again.

" Move the bottle out of the way and I will."

Two cans of beer. A quarter a bottle of whiskey. Had it come from there?

Perhaps it had been those burning eyes or those slow touches.

Maybe it had been having my heart torn from my chest and him being the only one around to fill the cavity.

Regardless, when he yanks the drink away and lifts a brow with a cocky," now what?" I pounce.


The way we flowed was like water over sand. The perfect push and pull.

He took a little, a puff of sand in the clear blue. He gave some back, the depositing of destroyed sediments to the ocean floor.

It was such a beautiful unison, a combination so wonderful I forgot I had never done this before.

Not with a man and certainly never with him.

But it was easy for such little things to slip my mind when he was so heavy in my lap. When his lips were so warm against my throat.


It was worse than the strongest booze, the intoxicating sway of his hips as he slowly worked me inside.

The way his body moved for me, spreading apart so deliciously that I wished I could see inside of him.

The way he melted made it worth it, though.

Like the tide laying flat over the beach sands.

His eyes never strayed from mine, gaze clear in a way only a sober man's could be.

They were warm, adoring even.

And I came far too quickly while they watched.



And again.

And again.

We left the night behind and entered the early morning hours, lasting so long I don't truly know when we stopped.

However, I do remember, as his final ride came to a close, that it was nearly impossible to see.

I didn't need my eyes though, not when I could feel him, warm and soft when he tucked against me. Smiling when he laid his cheek on my chest.

His heart thumped calmly against my arm, steady and easy.

Even that was akin to the ocean. The calm of the lapping waves.

This heartbeat, like the white foam laying the sand back down, would lull me to sleep.

To a world where, for the first time since it all happened, there were no revisits to the past.

No recollections of her.


The sheets beside me were cold when I woke up later that day.

Empty, lonely.

Like the apartment in the hour between her departure and his arrival.

Like my heart when I remembered his promise to see me through this.

Why does everything always have to be a lie?

Is it truly so hard to tell the truth?

Was was it hard to tell me I was just some dick to ride? Just some easy fuck?

" You finally up, sleeping beauty?" With a warm smile and tray of freshly cooked breakfast.

There was no one word that could describe the relief that washed over me when he was in my direct line of sight.

I would never forgive myself for doubting him.


He was sat beside me.

Always, some repetitive part of my brain added uselessly.

He calmly sipped at a glass of orange juice while he studied me. I could feel his gaze follow the last chunk of toast down my throat.

" I don't regret it," he muses. His ice finding my steel once more," not for a second."

That feeling in my chest, light and tickling. That warmth under my skin, full and ever-lasting. What was that?

You had never done that, but I always thought-

" Hey," it's a whisper, firm and non-negotiable, but a whisper all the same," no more of that. I wanna be the only thought in that pretty head, understand?"

I do and I kiss him to prove it.

He kisses back to seal the deal.


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