At The End Of The Day: Donah

678 13 0

Jonah: 17
Daniel: 17
Corbyn: 16
Jack: 16
Zach: 14
Summary: Daniel and Jonah talk about love and why it's so hard to say those three simple words

Jonah's POV
I shut my eyes, zoning in on the muffled sound of my boys in the house. Smiling as I listened, trying to pick out each individual voice.

We had begun to quiet a little while ago. Letting the rising moon remind us of just how quickly the day was disappearing.

It sat high in the sky now, watching me silently with a single glowing white eye.

I had slipped out of Jack's window and onto the tiles of his roof not long after it had perched in the sky among the stars.

It had been too hard to stay near him after what had happened, after the way he had looked up at me.

It was only supposed to be a quick, easy make-out, maybe an unspoken promise of things to come.

He wasn't supposed to pull back and blink at me with those big, warm eyes of his.

A gentle hand pressing delicately into my cheek.

He wasn't supposed to glow the way he had. So bright and blinding.

He wasn't supposed to lure me in, like a moth to a flame.

And he wasn't supposed to say it.

" I love you, Jonah."

And I wasn't supposed to run away. To whisper about how I needed the bathroom when he looked to me for an answer.

I wasn't supposed to catch the hurt behind his smile, the ache that radiated from him.

And he wasn't supposed to let me go. To let me hide this long. To let me be a fucking coward because the mere thought of approaching him right now made everything in me twist and turn.

I had run away. I still couldn't believe I had run away!

" Fuck," I whimpered, hiding in my own knees. Tugging at my hair, hating myself.

" Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

" On the roof? It might be a little uncomfortable, and cold, but you know I'm always down if you are."

I flinched at his voice, quickly wiping away the misty tears in my eyes, scrubbing at my cheeks.

Damn, I hadn't even heard him coming.

He crawled out the window and onto the roof beisde me. Leaning back against the outcrop that surrounded the glass pane.

" Why are you up here all by yourself? We miss you," Daniel's voice soft, looking over at me with those endless ocean gems. A certain knowing was buried deep within them. Like he was trying to hide it from me.

I tried to smile, I really did. I was glad that at least he still wanted me," I'm sorry," sniffing quietly, hoping my eyes weren't red. Praying my eyes weren't red.

I reached for his hand, taking it carefully in my own and kissing at his knuckles. Honestly I just wanted him closer, wanted him to hold me, but I hid it behind an apology.

This wasn't too official right? Kissing him like this. I still didn't really understand what the four of us were, what was and wasn't too far.

He only smiled though. His cheeks a soft pink in the moonlight as he leaned in to place a slow, lingering kiss to my mouth," s'okay. Just tell me what's wrong," his forehead warm against my own.

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