Night Changes: Why Don't We

666 13 1

Jonah: 19
Daniel: 19
Corbyn: 18
Jack: 18
Zach: 16
Summary: The night was perfect and then it all came crashing down

Corbyn's POV
I climbed into the front seat of Jonah's car, my seatbelt clicking into place as he began the drive to one of our favorite places.

I glanced back over my shoulder, wanting to make sure Zach was okay.

It was a force of habit mostly, of course he was okay. We were with them, but I couldn't help, but indulge the big brother in me.

Zach was bathed in moonlight as he laughed with Jack, those rosy cheeks glowing under the shine.

Daniel was watching them, smiling softly. He then looked to me, probably feeling my eyes.

He leaned over both of them to kiss at my mouth. I giggled into his, gently cupping a hand over his cheek.

He drew back with a pop, nuzzling our noses," everything okay?"

I grinned at him, cheeks a little red," everything's perfect."

He settled back down and I turned to face the front, nuzzling into the deep, maroon hoodie Jack had gotten me for my birthday.

I looked down at the hand caressing my thigh, grabbing it to kiss at his knuckles.

" Well, someone's feeling affectionate," he teased, looking at me as we came to a stoplight.

I only shrugged, body still tingling from my kiss with Daniel," I just have a good feeling about tonight, that's all."

He hummed, thumb running along my lower lip," oh yeah?"

I leaned into his touch, kissing his thumb," mhm. It feels like it'll be unforgettable."

He let our tangled hands fall back against my thigh once the light changed, focusing on the road again.

I stared out into the cool evening. Loving the way Jack, Zach, and Daniel's soft chatter blended with the night song of chirping crickets.

I shut my eyes, feeling the wind brush along my face and through my hair, tossing it every which way.

I breathed a laugh, knowing Daniel would be bitching about his ruined style when the ride was over.

There were goosebumps prickling along my skin, rising wherever the wind kissed. My ears hurting a little from the nipping chill.


Everything was perfect.

This night was gonna be perfect.

~ At The Park ~

We all stepped out of Jonah's convertible. Temporarily creating a drum as we closed our doors.

Jack and Zach were already going ahead, hands locked as they basically skipped down the path, still grinning at each other.

I chuckled, waiting for Jonah and Daniel and only starting when I felt the brush of their shoulders on either side of me.

" Are we sure Jack and Zach are a two years apart?" Daniel laughed, slipping his fingers through mine.

" That's what he told us," Jonah chuckled with a shrug.

We followed the shorter pair, letting them lead us to wherever they pleased.

They stopped before a hill, they looked at each other and grinned.

What If?// More WDW BxB: Corbyn-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz