7》Never Enough: Zorbyn

286 4 8

Jonah: 25
Daniel: 25
Corbyn: 24
Jack: 24
Zach: 22
Summary: Corbyn comes home and Zach loses his shit, but Corbyn does too, so it's okay

Zach's POV
" Doll, stop wiggling," Daniel scolded gently through the mirror, tugging just a little at my hair.

" Let Dan do your hair!" Jonah called from my closet, searching for a proper outfit.

" I am!" I whined, pouting," why are you guys making such a big deal out of this? It's only Corbyn," I said, even while my stomach wrapped around itself for the third time.

" Because Corbyn will kill all of us if you have even a hair out place when he gets here," Daniel explained matter-of-factly as Jonah and Jack emerged with my clothes," so, unless you want to plan a three-way funeral, sit still and let us spoil you."

I laughed, cheeks going a little more pink at the idea of them spoiling me.

Jonah tossed my shirt to me and I tugged it over my bare chest, looking to see that it was a pink, blue, and white short sleeved sweater.

" Corbyn loves how you look in pastels," Jonah offered in explanation.

" And," Jack added, holding up my pants," how your ass looks in leggings."

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

Half an hour of pampering later and I was standing in front of the window, watching for Corbyn's motorcycle.

Well, I was pacing in front of the window, glancing at it every now and again to see if he was here or not.

I was so fucking nervous! I hadn't seen Corbyn since Christmas. His finals keeping him too busy for him to find the time to come see me, us.

It wasn't like it mattered, he was my big brother, my Corbyn. No amount of time could change that and some part of me knew without question that he would still love me when he got here, but six years.

Corbyn hadn't seen me on a daily basis in six Goddamn years.

What if he realized he now hated all the things he once thought were cute?

I could be clingy sometimes, all the time, and he had always let me cling, but what if he didn't wanna do that anymore?

What if he didn't like how anxious I could get at times? What if he was sick of dragging me out of my own mind?

In the three years since I had gotten Dan back I had returned to my normal self looks wise and mentally.

I had gained back the weight. My bags were steadily vanishing. The color in my cheeks had returned, besides just being older I looked the same as when he had left me, but what if he didn't like that?

What if he preferred me short and plump with baby fat and bright with innocence?

What would I do then? I couldn't go back in time or reverse my age.

What would I do if he didn't want me anymore?

God, I wouldn't be able to take it.

I wouldn't be able to live through losing him again.

It would drive me over the edge, I'm sure it would, I would go-

" Zach?"

I froze dead, turning in my pacing to look behind me.

I hadn't heard him coming. How the fuck do you not hear a motorcycle coming?

He was beautiful, painfully so. His blonde hair replaced with his natural brown, shorter than before. He was a little wider since I saw him last. Had more muscle covering his body

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