13》Back Home (Part Three): Jorbyn- Fluff

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Summary: The night's drawing to a close when Corbyn appears at his door with a simple request

Jonah's POV
I undid the final button of my shirt with a heavy, long sigh. Letting the cool winds of my ceiling fan elicit goosebumps along every inch of skin they ghosted along.

Corbyn, my mind drifted and of course it was him. When had it ever not been him?

I shut my eyes, hoping to swallow the dull, ringing ache deep in my chest. To swallow the way he had glowed at the mere mention of a boy I had never met.

A steady knock saved me from that miserable rabbit hole," coming!" I tossed over my shoulder. The collared shirt flying in the air toward the hamper while I spun on my heels to answer the door.

My fingers scratching subconsciously at the plane of skin just above my heart, digging into the muscle there.

I yanked open the wooden slab and wished more than anything that I had grabbed another shirt.

" C-Corbyn," I floundered, quickly crossing my arms over my bare chest while a burning flush bled from my ears to the base of my jaw. Still, I prayed it wasn't too obvious," what uh... can... d-do you need something?"

He allows me one of his sweet little giggles and doesn't hesitate to trace his eyes down, then up my body. Slowly," don't be so shy, Jo. I've seen you worse than this."

It was different when I wasn't in love with you, I long to retort.

Not that thinking of our little measuring competition when we were kids didn't horrify me to this day, but still...

It had been different when you were only my pretty best friend.

I'm not strong enough to meet his eyes when they finish their indulgent glance. I look at the painting just to the left of his head instead," still," I say softly.

Another laugh bubbles from his throat. His smile gentle for me," I came to see if you wanted to go stargazing with me."

" You still do that?" My eyes drift to his face once more. I find an endlessly fond expression has replaced his earlier, teasing one.

" Mhm," his hum seems... dazed, almost.

And maybe, if I had never learned about this Daniel, I would've allowed myself to believe that he may feel the same. That this ever-lasting infatuation may not be so one-sided.

But I wasn't a masochist. I wouldn't let myself dive into a dream I knew would never come true.

A dream, I think again.

That's the perfect word for you, isn't it Bean?

" Sure," my self-preservation, an instinct so deeply ingrained in every living creature, has abandoned me completely.

I was quickly starting to realize way this shit was called lovesick.

He beamed up at me. And you know? It almost made everything worth it.

All this awful heartache.

" Great! Just meet me there when you're ready, yeah?" And then he's gone and I'm shutting my door. My forehead thumps gently against the cool wood and I wonder when everything turned so bad.

Before- years ago, half an hour ago- this feeling had been something I could sink into. Something that made me melt into a warm, fuzzy puddle. And I never wanted to leave, even if nothing came out of it, I always wanted to be there.

Now though, in the wake of this Daniel fella, it just hurt.

It hurt worse than anything I could imagine.

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