My Husband, His Boyfriend, And I (Part Two): Dorbah- Smut

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Summary: Daniel and Corbyn give Jonah his Christmas present and Daniel learns a few things about Corbyn

Daniel's POV
I followed behind Corbyn, who was being led by a visibly excited Jonah. Only then did I realize we hadn't discussed what we were actually going to do with him. And there was too many wonderful, wonderful, options to just leave it up to chance.

So, with all of this in mind, I gently took hold of Corbyn's hand, silently grabbing his attention.

Our guest looked back at me with a tilt of his head, blue eyes lustful and curious.

" What are we gonna do with him?" I inqured softly, hearing the distinct click of our bedroom door.

The younger shrugged with a smile," we'll figure it out," he promised simply.

Jonah was waiting for us in the center of the room, blue-gray slowly admiring us, trailing up then down and up again, looking nothing short of ravenous when he bit his lip.

Jonah had never had us both at once, always having to pick between one or the other, I could only imagine what was going through his head.

He grabbed Corbyn first, the smaller was closer, and yanked him into his chest. Their mouths smashing together with a loud click.

Jonah's needy fingers wandered, happily groping at his ass, pressing their hips flush.

I expected the little one to submit to him, succumb to the year age gap and noticeable height difference.

Instead, a firm hand laid itself on my husband's chest, pushing him away while Corbyn drew back.

" What? Are you showing out for him?" Corbyn didn't look impressed and he damn sure didn't look like Jonah had just been kissing him within an inch of his life. His bored gaze sweeping up and down his larger body.

Jonah pouted for him, leaning in for another," come on, Bean-"


" Don't be like that. I haven't seen you in weeks," hands sliding forward to hold his waist, brushing their noses.

Corbyn only hummed, not at all effected by the sweet talk," I don't give a damn. You know me better than that," he retorted. Voice curt and unhappy, like someone scolding a child.

I stepped closer when Jonah drew back some, something akin to shame in his eyes.

To say I was fascinated would be an understatement.

Corbyn glanced to me when I moved and suddenly he was grinning. Something about it made the primal part of me scream trouble.

I just hoped it was for Jonah and not me.

" Get a chair," Corbyn's firm tone told me he was talking to my lover, but he only had eyes for me.

And that stare had pinned me in place. The cool blue dark and hungry and excited. I imagined a wolf would look like this while staring down a lamb.

Suddenly, the danger from before came back stronger. Maybe the trouble was for me.

Jonah's eyes drifted between us, but he soon went to do as told.

Corbyn was in front the very second after he was gone. He didn't look as sinister from up close.

" I have an idea."

" Really? I never would've guessed," I gasped, arms snaking around his waist. Shocking myself at how easy the action had been, how easily he came when I pulled.

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