Day 9| The Pack And Its Pups: Why Don't We- Fluff

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Summary: A little boys lost in the cold

Jack's POV
I pressed closer to the tree, hiding my face in my coat.

My fingers were so cold. I didn't feel anything when I wiggled them and my face was hurting.

I sniffed, shutting my eyes, shaking as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

" Help me," I whimpered," please."

There was a rustle and I opened my eyes to look.

It was a dog standing in front of me, its head tilted.

" Puppy," I whispered," help me."

~ Hours Later ~

Jonah's POV
" We never should've brought him here," he growled, pacing back and forth in front of me.

" Corbyn!" I gasped, following his path.

" No! Don't Corbyn me! We have no business with a lost pup, Jonah!" He whipped around to me, glaring in a way he never had.

" What about me?" Zach spoke up, voice sounding hurt.

I saw the very moment Corbyn softened, turning to the youngest of our pack.

" You were different, Baby boy," he promised, walking over to him," you're one of us. He's a human."

" He needed our help," I argued back, only for him to send a withering glare over his shoulder.

I growled low in my throat, the hairs on the back of my neck raising.

" No, he needed his own kind," he spat back, hand still pressed to Zach's cheek.

I stood," look at me," I rumbled to him, leaving no room for an argument.

Despite that he still looked ready to fight, but he did as told.

" Who's your Alpha?" I whispered, standing before him.

" So that's how you lead now? Throwing your weight around like some horny dog?"

I growled at him, low and full, stepping closer," who's your Alpha?" I repeated, slower.

Corbyn was right, I had never liked dangling my rank over their heads before, but he was being stupid and stubborn and if he wasn't gonna act like my Corbyn then why should I have to act like his Jonah?

" You are," he mumbled, looking away from me and relaxing his shoulders," you're my Alpha, Jonah. I... I'm sorry."

He tipped his head for me, wanting to nuzzle.

He wasn't sorry, not at all. And he wasn't done, but I couldn't tell him what to feel. Even if I was his Alpha.

So, I leaned down with a sigh and pressed out forheads together, brushing noses with what was essentially my second in command.

" It's okay," I whispered.

Daniel barked from the other side of our den, having stayed in his wolf for to help keep the kid warm.

He's awake, my brain translated easily.

" Shift," I told them," we don't wanna scare the kid."

What If?// More WDW BxB: Corbyn-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora