Act My Age: Why Don't We

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Summary: Everything around them is changing, yet they somehow always stay the same

Corbyn's POV
"We'll still stay up till morning"
" You're so lucky I'm off tomorrow," Daniel muttered playfully into my neck, tugging me back into his chest.

I giggled, wiggling against him with a grin, waiting for the others to come up.

Jonah settled beside him, with Jack sitting on Dan's other side, Zach squirming his way between his legs.

I looked up, eyes trailing through the stars as a warm summer wind weaved between us, my hands interlocked with Daniel's.

" And there," tracing out a house shape with a few extra, hanging bits," is Cepheus. He was the king of Aethiopia. He was married to Cassiopeia and the father of Andromeda. They have there own constellations too."

" Are their stories more interesting than his?" Jonah chuckled, following my still tracing fingers.

" Yeah, that was boring, Bean. You're stories are usually better than that," Zach pouted over to me.

" Tell us another?" Jack added. The glasses perched on his nose reflecting the stars twinkling above.

I grinned, nodding happily," sure."

Something in me swelled at knowing that even after all these years, even as I neared my late thirties, they still wanted to hear my tales.

I leaned into Daniel, pointing to another, more than content to stay up with my boys all night long.

Zach's POV
"'Cause the stories that I told, I tell again and again"
" I still can't believe our wedding was such a disaster," I mused over dinner, not really talking to them, but at the same I wasn't just talking to myself either.

Corbyn began to giggle. Jack joined in, laughing with his cheeks full. Daniel and Jonah chuckling to themselves.

" What?" Gaze flickering between them, cheeks burning with an incoming blush.

" It's just," pausing to laugh," that was nearly 33 years ago, Doll."

" 33 years?" Corbyn gaped, looking at Jonah with huge eyes," there's no fucking way it's been that long."

" We got married when I was 30," Daniel mused, popping a grape into his mouth," I'm almost 63. You're smart, love. Just do the math."

" That's insane," Jack breathed.

" The insane part was how much of a disaster it was," I found myself musing once more, causing another round of laughter.

Jonah's POV
"'Cause I move a little slow when I dance"
I smiled as Daniel began to play a familiar song on his grand piano, Jack by his side to help with the accompaniment.

It was the same slow, steady melody that had filled my ears the day we got married.

I brushed my thumb over my ring, glancing over to Zach, who was smiling happily. His cheeks never losing their rosy glow as we aged together.

I stood, walking over and holding my hand out for him.

He took it without hesitation, giggling as I pulled him close to my chest.

I entwined our fingers, almost feeling guilty for the calluses littering my palm when compared to his soft, small hands.

His arm slipped around my neck and mine around his waist.

We began an easy, delicate sway. The younger melting into me, letting me lead him through the motions with his head on my chest.

" Just like our wedding, huh, Joan?" He smiled at me and I dipped my head, capturing those warm lips in a sweet kiss.

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