I Wanna Write You A Song: Daniel

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Summary: It seems only fitting that his reasons to live, the loves of his life, are his greatest inspiration as well. To put it simply, their love as told by Daniel

Daniel's POV
"So anytime you think your heart is gonna sink
You know it won't"
There was something so warming about being Jonah's go to for comfort.

It always took so much just for him to admit that he was upset or that we had hurt his feelings.

So, when he came to me and pawed his way into my lap, I let him everytime.

Let his big, needy ass squeeze against me, as close as humanly possible.

I would pet his hair, kiss his lips swollen. Do any and everything to show him I was right there, always.

Sometimes he would tell me what had happened. Other times he wouldn't.

Sometimes he would let me make love to him right then and there, let me rock him into a blissful haze.

Other times he would let me wipe away his tears.

And as it happened over and over again, I realized that I couldn't care less what we did.

It wasn't about me after all.

It was about him.

And I'd do anything for him.

"I wanna build you a boat
One as strong as you are free"
I watched him as he laughed, laying sprawled out on my bed. His cheeks and chest red, giggling to my ceiling.

I had just turned the camera off. My dick still tingling, cool from the wiped away spit.

Jack had been overjoyed when I agreed to record him giving me a blow job.

Grinning that big, dopey grin of his, showing every tooth in his mouth.

I didn't know if I knew anyone more willing that Jack.

He was so adventurous in everything we did together, always ready for the next thing, always excited for more.

He was about as free as a person could get, so unbothered about the world and people around him.

Always doing exactly what he wanted, no matter how many strange, judging looks he got.

And I was the one he always came too. His right hand in these strange escapades of his.

I longed to be as strong as him one day.

A boat just floating through the ocean, letting the waves guide him as they may.

" Dan?" He chirped, having rolled onto his side, grinning that grin at me.

" Yeah?" I laughed.

" Can you record fingering me too?" Wiggling his butt in invitation, eyes alight with mischief.

I only shook my head with a chuckle, grabbing the silver recording device.

" Anything you want, baby."

"I wanna lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek
So when the world is cold
You will have a hiding place you can go"
I dropped my coat around his shoulders, hugging the younger boy from behind. Nuzzling into his neck.

" You're cold, yeah?" I breathed against his skin. Purring at his little shudder.

" Not anymore," he sighed, melting back into my chest. The faux-fur of the thick jacket tickling my nose.

I sniffed, shaking my head, making the younger giggle.

He was out on the porch, looking on as Aspen trotted through the grass, sniffing for a place to go.

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