Live While We're Young: Why Don't We

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I don't know where this idea came from, but just hear me out, alright? For the month of November, since the 23rd is national polyamory day, I'm going to be telling the love story of all five boys through various One Direction songs. Why One Direction? Because I recently started to listen to and really enjoy their music. I'm only... 4 or so years late. This is the Why Don't We from this Live While We're Young trilogy (there will be one more) by the way, so all of these will contain incest. I'm specifying that because every time I write this ship the dynamic changes slightly. Also, the tilte will either be the Why Don't We boy the chapter focuses on or the ship that's focused on. Lastly, these are not in chronological order by any means. So, with all of that out of the way, let's get this strange idea started with a bit of nostalgia. This is a continuation of a Why Don't We smut I wrote to the lyrics of the One Direction song Live While We're Young.
Jonah: 21
Daniel: 21
Corbyn: 20
Jack: 20
Zach: 18
Summary: With his boys so busy and stressed with college, Zach decides there's no better way to wind down than another camping trip

Zach's POV
I strained my ears from my spot on the livingroom floor, desperate to catch even the slightest hint of Jonah's convertible's purr.

The moment I caught that low rumble outside I was leaping up from my spot and bounding out the door.

" Jonah!" I cried, voice ringing with happiness as I launched myself at the older, who turned just in time, pulling me into his strong warm chest.

" Hey, baby," he laughed, spinning us both before resting his forehead on mine," I missed you, Doll," with a tender brush of our noses.

I beamed up at him, tracing the slight stubble on his chin with my thumb," I missed you too, Joanie."

He pressed careful lips to mine. Our kiss slow and sweet and so terribly short with the larger pulling back from it to gaze down softly into my eyes.

" How've you been, love?"

I couldn't help tracing his lips with my own," better now that you're here," I whispered, desperate to push away my brain's bitter reminder of the lonely ache that plagued my heart when they were gone.

" What about when I'm not here?" His pry gentle, easily seeing through every bit of my bullshit.

I only shrugged, not wanting to think about that right now," it's boring," I mused honestly," but I manage."

Jonah teased softly at his lower lip, clearly not at all satisfied with my answer.

" I mean it," I insisted, pulling his lip away from his teeth, only to press my mouth to his. Easily drawing him into another calm kiss.

We made our way into the house once we were both satisfied and I found myself playing with my swollen lips with a certain giddy weightlessness. Tugging him upstairs to Corbyn's room, where he and Jack would be waiting for us.

I glanced to my parents door, not able to ignore the immediate thank you I sent to whoever was listening. Nor could I ignore the slight, fleeting guilt I felt after.

I pushed through the door and into Corbyn's room. My eyes drawn to them on the bed with Jack leaning back into the headboard with closed eyes, seemingly sleeping, though the fingers that he had trailing through Corbyn's dyed locks suggested otherwise.

The blonde on the other hand was asleep. Snoring quietly against Jack's thighs, completely at peace.

Jack's glazed brown popped open the moment he realized it was no longer just him and Corbyn. His tired eyes lighting up at the sight of Jonah, but he looked to the dozing Corbyn and then back up to Jonah with a soft pout, clearly asking for help.

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