11》Jachary- Smut

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This is a sudo-scat one-shot. For those of you who don't know what scat is or haven't looked at the picture, you won't have to Google it (thank me later). To put it bluntly, it's a poop fetish. I'm not here to kink shame, do whatever you want. I do, however, have my limits. The fake part is that no actual feces is involved. Instead it's food (and cum) being shoved up Jack's anus and pushed back out. Whether or not that makes it better is up to you. There's a reason I posted this when you could expect another shot tomorrow if you chose to skip this one. You have been warned. Oh, also, this is a suggestion from TulsiGabbard2020. Enjoy!
Summary: They always say love makes you do crazy things. Jack never thought love would lead him to this

Jack's POV
Jack enjoyed jokes. It was one of the things he was most well-known for.

He had a nose ring. He had a perm. He liked jokes.

That was not a joke.

Zach had an... interesting brand of humor that more often than not consisted of him lying about something. And then admitting to his lie.

So, it was easy for Jonah to play it off. For him, Corbyn, and Daniel to laugh about it and blame it on a reference, but they hadn't seen his face.

He hadn't looked them in the eye as he said it.

Jack knew jokes.

Jack knew Zach.

Jack knew Zach had not been joking.

Maybe that's why he lies about plans he and Corbyn had never made when his boyfriend wanders over with the intention of spending time with him.

Maybe that's why, as he drags a very confused blonde behind him, he can't bear the thought of looking Zach in his eyes.
Jack slammed his head against his pillow, glaring up at the ceiling while Daniel snores soundly in the bed beside him.

He's cold and there's too much space and... and he misses Zach.

He sits up in bed and swings his feet over the side, padding down the stairs barefoot.

There's a brilliant white leaking in through the patio window and when he looks he sees Jonah. Sitting on one of the chairs and staring out into the empty night horizon.

He swallows, playing with his thumbs and debating, but ultimately he walks over and knocks the glass gently.

The older startles and looks back at him. Jack gives him a wry smile and a little wave and Jonah's face softens, he nods.

He slides the door open and steps out into the cool night. The mat hurts his feet a little, so he tucks them under his butt when he sits in the chair next to the brunette.

" Couldn't sleep either, huh?" He holds out a tall, rose-red thermos.

Jack takes it, sipping tentatively to find warm, smooth tea instead of the bitter coffee he had been expecting.

He gladly takes another sip and hands it back to his bandmate," not used to an empty bed anymore, I guess."

Sympathy shines in soft gray-blue eyes and he drinks," you chose to sleep alone."

Jack gnaws at his lip because technically, that's true, at least to Jonah it would be.

He doubts the other knows the full extent and he wonders if he should tell. If it's his place.

" He meant it, you know," Jack speaks into the night. Jonah won't tell and he needs help.

" Meant what?" The warm bottle is back in his hands.

What If?// More WDW BxB: Corbyn-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon